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clean for health vs. clean for appearance & flushing

January 3 2008 at 8:18 PM

The earlier thread made me curious regarding the actual incidence of cleaning for health vs. appearance, especially with regard to flushing. How often is the "motivation" to have carpet cleaned based on healthe concerns? Do customers seek out your services because they wish to keep their floor textiles rinsed because they are concerned about their health indoor air quality, etc. or is it more based upon the appearance? I tend to think health is a secondary factor in most cases. I'd even be curious about it with regard to places like daycare, healthcare, etc. Doesn't "the bottom line" somewhat often steer maintenance into the appearance realm? If it looks good or even okay isn't that good enough for most? Isn't that somewhat a promotional factor in foavor of encap in the first place? Low cost, quick, easy and cost effective carpet maintenance? Fewer things to mess up, breakdown, or at least more user friendly, less downtime, even to a certain standpoint more energy efficient(reduced utility usage from running HVAC, dryers, less water, etc.) "greener". Doesn't it still often comedown to $0.0? per square foot in determining what happens?


Re: clean for health vs. clean for appearance & flushing

January 3 2008, 9:30 PM 

I can only say what I beleive, most cleaners and equipment leave a certain percentage behind HWE sometimes use high PH presprays and water rinse thus not reducing the PH in the carpet which can assist in resoiling. The thing that got me involved in OP and encap and Cimex was that the remaining crystallizes and is vacuumed away. My concerns when cleaning are health for myself and customer, appearence, and lastly how fast or profitable it can be done in that order. So far Encap done correctly, and OP provide this most of the time I still do HWE as well don't kid yourself though even with HWE your not extracting everything, well maybe a Vortex LOL jsut my 2 cents

This message has been edited by jeffvanburen on Jan 3, 2008 9:31 PM


Re: clean for health vs. clean for appearance & flushing

January 4 2008, 7:53 AM 

I meet and talk to cleaners every day because I'm a distributor.
Over the last 6 years I have only met 2 that expressed concerns about their own health while cleaning and one of them is an IICRC Instructor.

I have never met a tech who has gloves, goggles and mask in his truck at all times. Not even all the big franchises we have here in Mississauga & Toronto

I hope your experiences are much better than mine.

don eldred

Re: clean for health vs. clean for appearance & flushing

January 4 2008, 8:21 AM 

It is up to us as cleaners to promote healthy cleaning procedures to our clients, I do and it has paid off many times over as a sales tool.


Window Washer

January 4 2008, 11:12 AM 

If I wear gloves, googles and a mask, I scare my customers to death! I just thank God I am not a window washer.


Re: Window Washer

January 4 2008, 11:56 AM 

Guess I'm the exception to the rule. I don't wear the mask and goggles and gloves all the time. But they are on the truck in case I need them I get involved in to may things and after inhaling some heavy strippers and acids once it won't happen again. In fact I have a second resperator, gogles, gloves on the truck in case I have a helper. I did a job on tile one time without the resperator and my nose bleed for 3 days, learn by my mistakes

Mark Hart

Re: Window Washer

January 4 2008, 2:53 PM 

Appreciate the above comments. However, the original question was if the CUSTOMER cleans their carpets for health or appearance. In my experience the only customers who inquire or mention health factors in carpet cleaning are those who have fragrance or chemical allergy concerns. They have always been residential customers.

Otherwise if the health issue is mentioned, it is because I brought it up. Retail establishments couldn't care less about health factors.

That being said, when discussing methods other than HWE some will ask where the soil goes. They are usually concerned about a complete job that may or may not be related to health concerns.

Phil R

I am a window washer

January 4 2008, 4:52 PM 

And I do not wear those things....nor do I scare my clients.

Oh...and I thank God I am a window washer.


Kevin Pearson

Re: I am a window washer

January 4 2008, 5:20 PM 

We very rarely get asked to clean for health concerns. Every once in a while it will happen though. Most people just care about appearance. Looks clean, is clean.


Re: I am a window washer

January 4 2008, 6:13 PM 

"Cleaning for health" is largely a BB phenomenon and is of concern mainly to carpets cleaners, and mainly only to those who frequent the boards or read the trade magazines. It's rarely a concern in the "real world."

Much like drying times and "steam cleaning" problems.


Getting Better with Age.....

January 5 2008, 8:00 AM 

Wow! What nuggets of wisdom from a 50 yr. old CCer from the great state of Alabama.


Office Cleaning

January 5 2008, 8:34 AM 

Try cleaning an office that has over 100 employees...SOMEBODY will complain about the "smell" the next day just so they can go home. Then the office manager calls you and requests to fax the MSDS for all your "chemicals" etc...

Happens all the time over here.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Office Cleaning

January 5 2008, 3:26 PM 

What a load of Bama rubbish this is:

"Cleaning for health" is largely a BB phenomenon and is of concern mainly to carpets cleaners, and mainly only to those who frequent the boards or read the trade magazines. It's rarely a concern in the "real world."
Much like drying times and "steam cleaning" problems.

Like Alabama is the "real world" - it's not exactly known for being concerned with cleanliness is it?

"Health" is the primary reason that "normal" ( outside Bama, that is ) homeowners clean anything in their homes. How often do you suppose that Marty washes himself or his clothes.... 1/wk or 1/month?

"Dry times" is the primary reason that Chem Dry got as large as they did - heck even Marty bought a Vac Booster and 2" hoses - you think he bought them for some 'other' reason?


Re: Office Cleaning

January 5 2008, 4:02 PM 

Tony, you are a trip!

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Office Cleaning

January 5 2008, 5:13 PM 

Ray, as a kid with only one black and white channel to watch TV, I became enthralled with Cowboys, Hillbillies and Indians. I would ride the range on my white pony, shooting snakes and wild pigs ( who knew ) and racing down dirt roads like a moonshiner.
Upon my arrival on this continent I came to find myself deeply disappointed with the reality of the latter 2, lol.

However, there are just a few real southern gents like yourself. My mother's family were southerners (Virginia) and I was raised that way.
I think that Marty was raised on Staten Island or the Bronx and thus is to be pitied, poor dear.


shooting snakes and wild pigs

January 5 2008, 8:39 PM 

With a Canon or Pentax I hope

Living in the frozen north with not much grass surviving the snow, do you see many snakes ??

In the lusher states further south, you may find plenty of snakes in the grass.

Down under we have plenty.

Also plenty of pigs that don't always ride motor bikes



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jan 5, 2008 8:39 PM


Re: shooting snakes and wild pigs

January 6 2008, 11:51 AM 

You have to love cleaners who ignore the need for health issues when it comes to our services, it may not be the number 1 problem facing facility managers, but cause a problem by using a new detergent that sets off complaints within a office environment and you will soon find out what kind of issue cleaning for health reasons over appearance only concept can cause. You have choices stay in the past or get with it and incorporatre healthy cleaning into your companies programs and when the crap really hits the fan you will already be a mile ahead of the rest of the industry. Cleaning "ONLY FOR THE HEALTH OF IT" is not that difficult.


Re: Office Cleaning

January 6 2008, 12:24 AM 


What a bummer.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: Office Cleaning

January 6 2008, 1:08 PM 

I'm waiting on Al Gore to post next.

The sky is falling ...


Cleaning: Health vs. Appearance?

January 6 2008, 1:14 PM 

I wonder how the motivational tendencies vary from region to region with regards to cleaning for health vs. appearance? Also, demographics? For those in the US is more of a "RED" state/"BLUE" state thing or Urban/Rural thing? To a certain extent, I would think it to be more of an issue in urban areas, especially where IAQ, mulitple chemical sensitivity disorders, larger office buildings, etc. Also, in government and unionized environments?
Has anyone here read Protecting the Built Environment by Dr. (Michael?) Berry?

Al Gore

The sky

January 6 2008, 2:52 PM 

Is falling because of Global Warming. But I bough a solar foot-print.

I would also like to remind you that I won the Noobie Peace Prize.

Current Topic - clean for health vs. clean for appearance & flushing
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