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January 6 2008 at 4:13 PM
Phil R 

I have a clean tomorrow that is CGD. I have done this clen before and the carpets are not too bad. BUT, As I have never used the DS with a tuway pad (OP Vento) I wanted to disply the plan and see if it is on track.

Pre-Spray any traffic areas with Punch
Spray carpet is DS
Use damp tuways and OP until clean



January 6 2008, 5:31 PM 

I usally use my OP and either 2 ways or glad pads I have even used microfiber pads. Looks like you have the plan down pat. Only thing I also do is use a bucket heater and really get my water hot while vacuuming, just cuts the soil I beleive better and if anyone is around its good showmanship.

Vacuum (heat water)
Prespray Punch(I addthe heated water to the prespray as well)

This message has been edited by jeffvanburen on Jan 6, 2008 5:32 PM

Phil R


January 6 2008, 5:35 PM 

I have not used tuways much as i used to be convinced that "absorbing" with cotton was crucial. I was also using DS rather than punch for OP'ing with cotton. Rick cleared that up for me a few weeks back. Tomorrow is the first time I get to try this "mixture" with these pads.


Rick Gelinas


January 6 2008, 7:00 PM 


You can adjust your cleaning and eliminate the need for the DS if you're doing OP/bonnet cleaning.

Here's a modified description of your steps...

Spray carpet with Punch
Use damp tuways and OP until clean

This should provide excellent results.

Rick Gelinas



January 6 2008, 7:38 PM 

I understand the need to dampen cotton pads, but never considered using Tuway's damp.

Does it REALLY make a difference, or is this just a carry over from the days of cotton?


1/10th of 1%

January 6 2008, 8:47 PM 

When OPing. Always use pads damp. We use alot of Tuways and prefer to take them from the washing machine after the spin cycle and place them in 5 gal. buckets damp and snap a lid on it and it will be good to go for 4/5 days. We use the white buckets and lids from Lowe's (around 6.00). If you get the Tuways too wet, you will lose control of the soil (as it slides down the fiber into the backing) and you could end up with wicking. Nylon is not much of a problem as it holds onto 20% of it's weight in moisture. Olefin is a real problem as it only holds onto 1/10th of 1% of it's weight in moisture. I guess you could call Olefin fiber a "slipery slope"


Re: 1/10th of 1%

January 6 2008, 8:54 PM 

Rays idea sounds best, as they are a pain to wring out very well once you dunk them in the bucket of h2o


Mo(u)ld ?

January 6 2008, 11:01 PM 

Ray, do you not have a problem with mold, putting damp pads into a bucket and sealing it ??

At the moment, it is 13:10 here, 78f & 98%rh.

We also have a "low" up north a bit that may become a cyclone when it crosses the "Cape" & hits the Pacific Ocean/Coral Sea.

Consequently, this is dumping a fair bit of liquid sunshine on us at the moment.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Mo(u)ld ?

January 6 2008, 11:57 PM 

Na ... no humidity, heat or mold in Georgia, Shorty.

Plus, Ray stays so busy that his pads never have a chance to dry out between washings.


Re: Mo(u)ld ?

January 7 2008, 7:04 AM 

I wish that were true Marty. No mold problems here Shorty.


Kevin Pearson

That's funny

January 7 2008, 8:32 AM 

No mold in Alabama. Yeah. No mold in Houston, TX either.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: That's funny

January 7 2008, 10:44 AM 

Good grief, perhaps Marty really is a clueless pig farmer !!

"Plus, Ray stays so busy that his pads never have a chance to dry out between washings."

So now we have it from the great and verbose, cleaning authority from Alabama -
Cotton must first be DRY before Mold can develop !!

It's truly a marvel how much we can all learn on these Boards.

I always thought that a natural material had to be WET or DAMP for at least 36 hrs before mold starts to develop. I suspect that if the cotton is washed with a little bleach, it may take even longer.

Phil R


January 7 2008, 4:21 PM 

Thanks Rick for these awesome chemicals! I did the "plan" and used puNch on traffic...DS on the rest with 2ways. Friggin A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

I was done so much faster than using cotton pads..I used three 2ways where before i had to use about 8-10 cottons.

I will use this system from here on. I did have to use a cotton here and there for some possible wicking areas....

Once the DS is done...I will only use Punch.

Here's a little tip: I bought a hand-held pump type sprayer...quart sized. In it I mixed my Punch at almost 50% and used it to mist the areas of concern.
Then use my larger sprayer for the common areas with the DS.

did I mention awesome?

Mt production rate was right at 800 feet an hour. That included vacuuming and moving some furniture.

Time for a celebratory libation


Re: WOW!

January 7 2008, 8:06 PM 

So, you find Punch to be a better cleaner than DS?

Do any other cleaners find the same thing?


Re: WOW!

January 7 2008, 8:45 PM 

I find it to be better OPing but not in the Cimex, DS rules there.

Phil R

Better? Rick?

January 8 2008, 7:40 AM 

I see no real difference between the two but...I use OP and pads.

If I were to use one of the Fiber pads...perhaps there would be a difference. I was focusing more on if the 2ways pads (which scare me since they do nor absorb much)would work well on this dirty carpets...and they (along with DS/Punch) did very well.

Rick mentioned above since this is my method, I could eliminate DS altogether.

I hope he will comment on if DS is better for fiber pads...and why?

Phil R

I was wrong..

January 8 2008, 11:54 AM 

They called today....most all of the "stains" wicked.

That is what I was afraid of before. Had I used Punch and cotton...the issue would be over. Dang.


Del Scrivner

Re: I was wrong..

January 8 2008, 6:37 PM 

Tell them- "GREAT! I have a wicking special on right now. I'm on my way to give you a written price."

Kidding of course.  Just hit the wicked areas. 

Next time when you see heavy spots/stains pre-qulaify that if something wicks using an encap process that it will require a second cleaning and/or spotting due to poor previous maintenance and that there will be additional charges for that. 

Unless of course you caused the wicking, but doing encap/OP that is more difficult to do- then it is FREE!

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Phil R

Re: I was wrong..

January 8 2008, 7:24 PM 

I basically just want to know what "pads" to use. Apparently, not 2ways.

No biggy...I'll go back to cotton

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