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Mold issue

January 7 2008 at 3:39 PM

Does bleach really KILL mold spores??

Or does it merely BLEACH the color out of the mold so you can no longer see it??



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Mold issue

January 7 2008, 3:49 PM 

I am NOT a Mold expert.

that being said, I have worked with it in the restoration industry. Several thoughts:

Depending where the mold is, you would most likely have to saturate the area HEAVILY to reach into the organic substance the mold has been growing. On walls, this includes the back of the dry wall, backing of the insulation and the wooden wall itself.

Second, I would think that if bleach were as effective as Sporicidin, or some other microbial killing agent, we would all just use bleach. From my understanding, using these agents will prevent the mold from growing, and kill any thing that has grown already.

I would also check the ICS board,, some restoration folks over there too.

Oh, yes, if you are not certified to remove it, then dont even try to with out a waiver. Even then I would not touch it. the liability could kill you. Literaly.


Anyone ???

January 9 2008, 2:49 AM 

Does anyone know ???

Or, does anyone know what white vinegar will do to mold ??



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jan 9, 2008 2:50 AM


Mold -

January 9 2008, 9:59 AM 

We do mold abatement only because we are trained and insured for doing this type work. That said, if the area is 30sqft or smaller - professional guidelines state that mold issues need not be done by professionals. (What happens if you get blaimed for people getting sick because you stirred up the mold - and perhaps contaminate the rest of the building that will now require remediation? that's where appropriate training, protocal and the almighty insurance comes in...)

Clorox removes mold stains, but is not classified by the EPA as a fungicide to kill mold. Find an EPA registered mold killer and use per instructions. In most cases - mold infested carpet and other porus surfaces need to be removed and discarded according to professional guidelines (which includes other protocal including containment, etc.) Mold also like to grow in the adhesive often used to install commercial carpet - to it needs to be removed or 'cleaned' also.

We rarely 'clean carpet' if it has visible mold growth, and always attempt to inspect the carpet backing and adhesive. On few occasions we will 'clean it' after using an EPA registered mold killer on it - and securing a 'disclaimer' from the client. (Of course the source of moisture/high humidity must be corrected before any of this occurs!)

Plenty of outfits clean moldy carpet - and don't blink about it. I am not making any recommendations, as every situation is different, I just suggest you be informed about it - and make sure your client is informed about it - BEFORE you get started.

Good Luck -


Not getting the message through

January 9 2008, 3:49 PM 

Please let me clarify several things.

I do not have a carpet that is moldy that I want to clean.

I do not know anyone in the above situation.

Hard surfaces also have mold spores.

I have no intention of becoming a mold abatement technician nor going to uni; to become a mycologist specializing in mold.

I am asking a simple question, that is............... "Does bleach kill mold spores"?

End of story, simple question, "Does bleach kill mold spores".

I'm sure the answer would shock a lot of people that have been under a mis apprehension for a long time in regard to bleach and mold.

The second question is also a simple answer, what does vinegar do to mold spores.

Any seasoned sailor worth his/her salt would know the answer to this

Or maybe it's just that no-one cares ?



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Not getting the message through

January 9 2008, 8:05 PM 

No bleach does not and yes vinegar kills a ton of things including mold.
I have used an old Vermont recipe for years whenever I get a headache - usually after reading certain posts here.

Apple Cider vinegar and honey - works every time.


Ten points

January 9 2008, 9:24 PM 

Thank you Tony

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - Mold issue
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