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Do you know what I did ???????

January 17 2008 at 11:57 PM

Do you know what I did ???????

I was not happy with Big Yella, getting her up & down stairs.

Especially those stairs that have a bullnose over them.

So I got me a couple of golf buggy wheels, inflatable type.

The I got me a length of stainless steel bar.

Then I drilled a hole through each of Big Yella's wheels so I could put the bar through with the bigger wheels.

This worked okay, but was a bit of a P.I.T.A. to put on & take off each time.

So I re-measured the original axle, ( I always measure twice & cut/drill once ), then I put my golf buggy wheels in a bench press and drilled out the splines to the diameter of the original axle.

These are the end results.







I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Do you know what I did ???????

January 18 2008, 1:36 AM 

Wow! Shorty thats EXCELLENTE!!!

How does it roll when cleaning? Freely?

Looks Like a 1932 ford antique.

Now Shorty, I've seen the light.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: Do you know what I did ???????

January 18 2008, 2:02 AM 

That's great

Now we can start trickin out big yella, I'll thinking some crome 22" rims

Brad Lewis
Surface Solutions Inc



January 18 2008, 3:14 AM 

Nice. Every time I push pull and drag yella or stairs or a threshhold I wish for tires like that. Knowing someone has done it gives me the encouragement to try. I wonder if there's a market for after market parts? Maybe a larger tank, internal heater, faster draining, self-propelling, mp3 player dock and a drink holder to name a few.


Re: nice

January 18 2008, 5:37 AM 

You the man!


What a nice set of..............

January 18 2008, 7:55 AM 

Wheels Shorty! I have mine altered but ran my axel thru the exsisting wheels. Can you still put your golf clubs in the Mex tank? BTW, how did you get those shiny little hub caps off? I almost broke them trying to get them off. I agree, you da man.


Training wheels

January 18 2008, 8:58 AM 

Rambo, look closely at the small wheel in the third pic, you will see the hole where I previously had my other axle.

As for getting the hub caps off..................

Two long, thick screwdrivers, one hammer.

Hammer one screwdriver under the cap, not in towards the axle, but as if you intend to go past it.

Then do the same with the other screwdriver on the opposite side.

Bit by bit, keep getting the screwdrivers going down and past the axle.

Eventually, the round shaft of the screwdrivers will be under the cap.

You can then lever the cap off.

Test run in the morning, it's nearly midnight here,

C'ya all,


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Tropical Area?

January 18 2008, 10:12 AM 

Shorty, from the last picture in that series, I noticed that the axel on the Cimex is a little corroded. And do you always leave about a half a gallon in the Mex tank. I do, I never drain mine.

Bill Youmans

Re: Do you know what I did ???????

January 18 2008, 2:33 PM 

can you really bring it up or down the stairs safely. just seems way too dangerous with the weight of the machine. I just have scary visions of a cimex rumbling out of control down the staircase and into the wall or worse.

Bill Y

John Middleton

Great minds think alike

January 18 2008, 3:34 PM 

When I saw Mikey P's new wheels on his defender I immediately thought of doing the same to both the Cimex and Brute.

You just bet me to it...

I've been using the Cimex again recently, (normally in my techs van and I tend to use the Brute) and noticed a couple of differences. The wheels are too wide on the mex and keep getting caught. (can they be mounted in slightly? I doubt it) also I remember some one a while back complaining of 'stiff' wheels. Not rolling smoothly. I found that mine has gone the same way so maybe it needs the axles oiling again.

But, I noticed that the scrubbing action gets more marks out. I find that I can't get plus or max pads big enough for the Brute so I have to solely use bonnets and Idon't get as much scrubbing action... this means I have to prep more spots manually.

I did a coffee shop on Wednesday night and with either machine it was looking 'just ok'. I then did an area with the cimex and max pads and then followed with cotton on the Brute and WOW... huge improvement and so I did the whole joint with a dual process. The carpets are 2-3 years old and came back like new and he was really impressed.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Dear Bill..........................................

January 18 2008, 5:20 PM 

"can you really bring it up or down the stairs safely. just seems way too dangerous with the weight of the machine. I just have scary visions of a cimex rumbling out of control down the staircase and into the wall or worse."

Here we go again............

Christmas cheer has given me a bigger rear,

My wife, I have been told, say's I'm very old,

All my life I have been a sport, hence today, I am still a bit short.

I've had Big Yella for several years now, and I regularly wheel her up and down three flights of stairs, 16 steps to a flight.

I now weigh in at about 236lb
I turn 63 in about 8 weeks
I'm still trying to get to 5'7" ( in height, I'm sure I am already that wide )

As you can see in one of the pics; I have the handle upright, & hold the head upright with a bungy cord.
This centres the weight of the machine, ie; no heavy weight sticking out front.

I stand side on to Big Yella, right foot two steps above, left foot three steps above.

As I pull her up, I exhale, ( some have told me it's the same as weight lifting, exhale when lifting, inhale when the weight is off).

Going down I do it the same way, breathing the correct way is very important.

I don't try & pull one wheel first, but keep them both level.

I go steady and make sure my feet are solid and not wet or slippery, good shoes are also essential, especially when it's raining.

Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

Nothing is so important that you can afford not to do it safely.

My safety is above anything else.

Hope this helps.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.



January 19 2008, 2:31 AM 

Tested it on half a dozen rugs today.

I think it is even better to handle with the bigger wheels.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - Do you know what I did ???????
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS