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New post on the ENCAPblog

January 22 2008 at 3:42 PM

Rick Gelinas 

With all this talk about the economy, here's a different way of looking at it...

Rick Gelinas

Jeff Van Buren

Re: New post on the ENCAPblog

January 22 2008, 4:17 PM 

Nice article I beleive the economy has effected my business somewhat, but I think alot of the complainers still want to work hours that work best for them which works for me. I'm avalable to work 7 days with flexiable schedule, customers love that as they should. When times get tough you make sacrifices of your time to get the jobs no one wants. I work some commercial accounts from midnight and arrive home at 5:00am clean equipment and go back out around 10:00am and work until the days appointments are done. Do I like working late in bitter cold loading and unloading ? Heck No. But these type of jobs put money in my pocket. The Cimex has proven very beneficial at allowing me to make a profit on commercial accounts so has the OP system, the speed of cleaning without sacrificing the quality of cleaning is great. Also I service quite a few accounts where hoses and open doors are not welcome or the noise of a porty. I still do alot of HWE, all tools in the box. Thanks.


Re: New post on the ENCAPblog

January 22 2008, 4:49 PM 

It could've been a little shorter.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: New post on the ENCAPblog

January 22 2008, 4:54 PM 

I didn't read it, how long was it Marty, economy is great here, interest rates dropped 1/4% and stock market is up 400.

Phil R

Shorter? LOL!

January 22 2008, 4:57 PM 

Admiral is starting to grow on me.


Re: New post on the ENCAPblog

January 22 2008, 5:05 PM 

One of the first things to be reduced when a company hits financial problems is building upkeep. It takes time for the effects of not upkeeping the building to catch up with the company, so it is a temporary fix to a cash flow problem. If financial problems do get extremely chaotic then problems could hit the commercial carpet sector. I'm not stating that everyone doing carpet work will go out of business! It's just that contracts may be harder to find and the cash may be much slower in coming.

The one great thing about using a cimex, and the encap products, is the amazing cost savings to the carpet cleaner. These products would allow some of us to reduce our cost while maintaining a decent lifestyle even in harsh times.


Rick Gelinas

Re: New post on the ENCAPblog

January 22 2008, 5:21 PM 

Matthew wrote:
"The one great thing about using a cimex, and the encap products, is the amazing cost savings to the carpet cleaner. These products would allow some of us to reduce our cost while maintaining a decent lifestyle even in harsh times."

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Encappers are in a position to get aggressive in a tight economy and actually INCREASE our bottom line!

A case of Encap-Clean DS can clean 39,900 sq ft of carpet. If you were cleaning at a low rate of .08 per sq ft, you would still generate $3192 with that $130 case of detergent. That's a 25 to 1 return on your investment! Not too shabby. Of course, if you were cleaning at a more handsome rate of say .15 per sq ft, that same case of detergent would generate $5985 yielding a 46 to 1 return on your investment!

And considering that a Cimex can clean at a rate of 2,000-3,000 sq ft per hour, we're in a position to make a profit even if we may be required to sharpen our pencil. All I'm saying is that with a little ingenuity and determination an encapper can still run a profitable business, even in a lean economy. The worst thing would be to fold your hands and sit on the sidelines whining about conditions that you can't control. I am a firm believer that within every negative statistic lies a positive opportunity in the world of business, and it's the smart ones that can see it.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 23, 2008 8:37 AM

Current Topic - New post on the ENCAPblog
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