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January 24 2008 at 6:14 PM
Phil R 

Long story short: My area hospital has asked for some "Information" regarding my VLM process to present to the board (educated, white collar guys). The engineers want...whatever it is those guys want

They are U-N-H-A-P-P-Y with HWE resulting in fewer cleans. IF I can land this gig....I get onehelluva gig here that can result in this particular medical group (Nationwide)going VLM.

I can and will provide a demo but they want specifics that many of you are familiar with. I, however, am a simple guy who wears jeans, drinks beer and has NO clue what "information" to provide.

I ao NOT want to give awy the farm here.

Thoughts? I have until about 9:00 am tomorrow.

Jeff Van Buren

Re: Help!

January 24 2008, 6:45 PM 

Phil call me maybe I can e-mail some things to help do you have someone who can open them you had trouble last time? 810-632-7954




January 24 2008, 7:55 PM 


Got a soda bottle cap laying around? Pour a few drops of your encap into the bottle top and by morning you should have some white crystals. Briefly explain how the cleaning process encapsulates soil with these white "crystals" that they will NOT be able to see in the carpet. I have also used a sandwich bag full of encaped dirt to show people what comes out of thier carpets. In your demo, leave some dirty carpet next to your clean carpet so they can see the difference.


Example of getting a job: Went to a real estate office and asked to clean their small welcome mat for FREE. Did this cleaning in my vehicle with my encap and hand brush. Dried the rug and vacuumed. Put dirt into sandwich bag and took it to the front desk person. She was impressed with the black dirt. Next day the owner called and wanted his office cleaned. Got the job with a bottle top & sandwich bag. Went to another business in that same complex and picked up another job.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Help

January 24 2008, 10:09 PM 

The material in the CMS program should be able to provide you with a nice amount of "information". There are also some informative magazine articles and info on this site. You'l find the encap info and the magazine links on this page...

Hope it goes well for you!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Help!
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