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How heavy/bulky is the Cimex?

January 30 2008 at 7:54 AM

I know the Cimex sounds like an awesome machine for commercial encaping. I'm just wondering how heavy and bulky is this machine. Everone seems to constantly say that they would never bring this thing into a home, though they would bring a rotary in. Aren't they both around 100 lbs? Is it more than just the weight?

Also, what about going up stairs with it (hopefully this is very rare for commercial)? Do you roll it up and down stairs like a portable? Is it much harder than that?


Where do you get your information ???

January 30 2008, 8:18 AM 

Have a squiz at this cobber.

For those that followed my story earlier, the good news is................

Delia loves it.

She say's it is now so much easier to use.

Taking it up and down stairs is a breeze.

It actually feels so much lighter when using it, and it spins around in small wardrobes a lot easier than before.

It is incredibly light with these wheels, I have no hesitation in using it in the most confined spaces.

It can be used with a thumb around the grip, and a finger on the solution lever, and still be in complete control.

Typical sliding doors on a wardrobe USED to be a bit of a pain, now, with the bigger wheels, after I put the drive head into the 'robe and start spinning on the carpet, I can easily push the wheels over the sliding tracks.

A narrow wardrobe, I actually put the entire machine inside and go from one end to the other.

This simple modification may well allow me to carry on 'Mexing; for another 17 years.

Now for the bad news.........................................................

Oh well, maybe next month I will have some



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Where do you get your information ???

January 30 2008, 8:31 AM 

hey Shorty,
Does your Cimex steer from the right side as well? Do you always start your jobs on the "wrong" side of the aisle?

danny strickland

Re: Where do you get your information ???

January 30 2008, 9:17 AM 

i can easily load and unload my Cimex without ramps in my Chevy 2500 van (i'm a bit more manly than most on here it seems)but i wouldn't want to lug it up to the 2nd floor of a home or building!

steve r

Re: Where do you get your information ???

January 30 2008, 12:19 PM 

ive had to carry mine to the third floor a few times but it is the 15 in. its the only chance i get to break a sweat when im using it.

after lifting my 20 in. koblenz rotary in and out of the van a few times the cimex feels a lot lighter now.

This message has been edited by 19909090 on Jan 30, 2008 12:22 PM


Wheel Kit

January 30 2008, 1:53 PM 

With the 13" wheels it is easy enough to take up stairs, even for the "girly men"

Jeff Van Buren

Easier than most portables

January 30 2008, 2:20 PM 

I have no problem with my 19" Cimex I go up and down stairs no problem I'm 51 years old and weigh 150 lbs. just to give a example the wieght on the machine is well balance I transport with the motor base tilted back into the handle.

steve r

Re: Easier than most portables

January 30 2008, 3:09 PM 

now when i say i carry it i mean i carry it not roll it up and down.


Re: Easier than most portables

January 30 2008, 3:26 PM 

Thanks for the super fast replies!

I'm not sure if I would be able to do that awesome mod that shorty did. But with the cimex with stock wheels, can you roll it backwards up stairs, like a portable extractor?

Jeff Van Buren

Re: Easier than most portables

January 30 2008, 5:10 PM 

Yes to rolling up the stairs

steve r

Re: Easier than most portables

January 30 2008, 6:37 PM 

ive got a very old grey machine and i dont know if its the same as a newer one but i dont like the way it rolls or slides on some it hurts my back more trying to pull it on every step instead of just lifting the dang thing and carry it.

i was looking at wheels today at tsc tractor supply co. and am thinking of making a modification. they had some yellow ones there that would look awsome on a yellow machine.
i like the hard rubber over the air filled because all my wheel barrows are always flat.

Joe Gilstrap

Hey Shorty

January 30 2008, 6:55 PM 

Shorty, what kind of wheels are those and where is a good place to buy em?


Wheel deals

January 30 2008, 7:42 PM 

If you are taking the 'Mex; upstairs:

Ensure that the "head" is tied back in the upright position.

Inflatable wheels are much better for taking upstairs, don't have full pressure in them, let them flex a bit.

Gotta run..........

Dollars are calling me.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

george mavridis

Re: Where do you get your information ???

January 31 2008, 3:16 AM 


Being from downunder we need to hold the machine above our heads to clean.....we also have the handle on the other side and we start on the left side of the room.



Best place to buy ???

January 31 2008, 3:48 AM 

Dang good question.

Where do you live Joe, and I will see if I can find a supplier near you

Otherwise, drop into EasyLift in Lyons St, Westcourt.

Tell 'em Shorty sent ya.

They'll probably double the price right off.

I imagine that most BIG hardware stores or places that sell wheels for trolleys, etc; would have them.



PS ::: George has autopneumatic tyres on his 'Mex;

They self inflate/deflate depending on his mood and how much hot air he's expelling

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - How heavy/bulky is the Cimex?
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