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Our Special @ 40 cents a square foot @99.95

January 30 2008 at 9:14 AM

Check out our first advertised price special. Go to our web site ( click on the "peel back" in the upper right hand corner. Let me know what you think.


Re: Our Special @ 40 cents a square foot @99.95

January 30 2008, 11:30 AM 

Please explain to this pig farmer how that comes out to 40 cents per s.f.

steve r

Re: Our Special @ 40 cents a square foot @99.95

January 30 2008, 12:15 PM 

i have a regular price of 3 rooms and hall $99 for up to 600 sq. which equals out to .16 cents a square or something like that if i clean 600 sq. ft.

i did the math for 250 sq. at .40 and i guess you forgot to say its $99.95 per room.or am i missing something?


Fuzzy Math

January 30 2008, 1:44 PM 

I guess a Pig Farmer does not understand fuzzy math LOL. If they were vacant rooms (we do not move furniture at our special price) then we would be around 15 cents, but these are usally bedrooms (we clean approx. 50% of the carpet, living room and dining rooms about 60% is available for cleaning) that puts us at 25 to 30 cents and we usally sell fab.protect @ .10 to .15 to get us to .40. The Internet Specials are an opportunity, nothing more, nothing less. We just booked one this morning from the internet that will be around $225.00. Average residential calls for us are around $195 at this time.

Jeff Van Buren

Re: Fuzzy Math

January 30 2008, 2:23 PM 

Very cool first one I've seen like that


Re: Fuzzy Math

January 30 2008, 2:28 PM 

OIC ... well, if you take into account that you can't clean corners, then you may actually be priced a bit higher than that 40 cents.

steve r

Re: Fuzzy Math

January 30 2008, 3:07 PM 

now i see how guys claim to get .40 cents plus a sq. ft.its all in the fuzzy

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Fuzzy Math

January 30 2008, 4:31 PM 

So 250 sft @ 40 cents = $99.00 And you only clean 50% of the room. That means that in total 3 Rms and a hall amount to 500 sft in total.

Say 50 sft for the hall and 67 ft total for each room.
Sure you don't live in Marty's neighborhood Ray?

These single wides must have shrunk since I last seen one.


Re: Fuzzy Math

January 30 2008, 5:53 PM 

This post just confirms why I never post anything to do with our pricing policy.


Del Scrivner

Re: Fuzzy Math

January 30 2008, 6:19 PM 

If this keeps up I'm a gonna have to take my boots off to help me with this math stuff.  (I can count twice as high that way).

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

This message has been edited by CowboysCarpetCare on Jan 30, 2008 6:20 PM


Re: Our Special @ 40 cents a square foot @99.95

January 30 2008, 11:02 PM 

web site looks good.
Do you encap all your residential?
What is Direct Transfer Extraction?



January 31 2008, 5:33 PM 

Thank you for the comment on the web site. We use the "Direct Transfer Extraction" method on 95% of our residential, and we cannot divulge exactly how we do the three step process, but I can tell you it is Fast and Effective and the customers love it.


Re: Richard

January 31 2008, 5:51 PM 

AWH! Come on what is it?
I am interested in building a web site am starting. I like some of the content of yours.
I do a lot of Cimex/Releasit cgd.I just started OP on cgd and residential. I mostly HWE residential - still not confident enough to do a lot my residential with OP.
Anyway, the web site looks good. Wish I knew what transfer thing is.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Richard

January 31 2008, 6:23 PM 

Ummm, considering Ray mathematical genius, I'd say that his super secret method could be anywhere from a two step to a four step method


Del Scrivner

Re: Richard

January 31 2008, 8:54 PM 

Here is Ray's secret for Direct Transfer Extraction.....shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't let him know I told you this OK?

He uses about 10 of those sticky masking tape lint rollers every 100 square feet or so. 

Remember don't let Ray know I told you, he knows people and I may not be safe anymor......

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Richard

January 31 2008, 8:57 PM 

Good grief ... his secret method is prevac, gls scrub and OP "extract."

Ray's been a snake oil salesman since the great depression.


It's going to WOW You and Your Customer................

January 31 2008, 9:52 PM 

Marty is close, but what makes our system unique is our chem mix and two other ingredents. We are working with the mfg. on rolling it out soon if it continues to pass "the test" on the different fibers. Like Rick said "I've been looking for this system for over 20 years and now I have found it" Well, we are very close and should have everything up and ready to roll ( it will not be for sale by us) in the next 30 days, if the test continue to do well.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Jan 31, 2008 9:55 PM


Re: It's going to WOW You and Your Customer................

January 31 2008, 11:14 PM 

We prevac CBM and Pad in a lot of our empties, commercial or light to medium soiled residential

The trick is what you use for chems, it is all about the laws of attraction. When padding I use a different chemical to finish the process. Using this final step after using the Demon has also given better results

Current Topic - Our Special @ 40 cents a square foot @99.95
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS