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Funny story about our Cimex

January 30 2008 at 5:15 PM


It all started when somehow our oldest Cimex developed a leak in the bottom of the tank. So I called Rick G. and got a new tank. Undue a few screws, replace tank easy right. Well that's what we thought. The bracket that the tank sits on needed replacing to so we were going to replace that also. We noticed it was pop riveted on and I do not own a pop rivet gun. We thought we would just drill the pop rivets and then drill all the way through the shaft and put a flat head screw and a nut on it. Simple, right? Well we forgot that all the wires ran through the shaft. One of my employees was doing the drilling and said, "hmmmm I think there is foam in there." Wrong not foam, it was wires.

So what should have been an easy thing to fix turned into an all afternoon project. What can you do but laugh? Wouldn't have done any good to get mad about the situation. So we all had a good laugh.

Hind sight being what it is. I should have stopped and bought a pop rivet gun. Anyway, Cimex is back up and running with the new tank.

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Jan 30, 2008 5:44 PM



Re: Funny story about our Cimex

January 30 2008, 5:26 PM 

You know,that sounds like alot of things I do...make things harder than what they should be.I grew up hearing "things are put together a certain way for a reason." Which I agree with,for the most part.Glad to hear you straightened it out.


Del Scrivner

Re: Funny story about our Cimex

January 30 2008, 6:17 PM 

That's EXACTLY why you should hire a carpet cleaner to clean your carpets!!!!

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

Re: Funny story about our Cimex

January 31 2008, 6:26 AM 

Yikes Kevin, that did not sound fun. Not that it will make you feel any better now, but a rivet gun is pretty reasonable at Home Depot. Sorry about your grief! But you certainly maintained a good attitude through the whole thing!

Your story sounds an awful lot like the way things work for me whenever I have a technical project. Sometime when you've got an hour to kill I can tell you about all the PC woes I've had with the workgroup at our office.

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Funny story about our Cimex

January 31 2008, 7:06 AM 

You know I knew that pop rivet guns were not that expensive. I just thought, in all my wisdom, that we could drill two holes and have the thing back together before I could go to the store and get back. Well that was wrong.

Anyway, it turned out great. It's a good thing too, because today, tomorrow, and Monday both my Cimex's will be busy. I got some nice jobs at a church, state park, and an office.

Current Topic - Funny story about our Cimex
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