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Shorty and Rick G.- Big Wheel Questions

January 30 2008 at 6:25 PM

Del Scrivner  


1)  Is that the original axle with the new wheels or a different axle?

2)  Can you give us a source to get the exact same wheels?


1)  Do you see any issues resulting from this permanent big wheel modification?

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

Re: Shorty and Rick G.- Big Wheel Questions

January 30 2008, 6:53 PM 

As far as I can see, a permanent Big Wheel shouldn't present a problem. And it'll be fun too.

Rick Gelinas


Del Scrivner

Re: Shorty and Rick G.- Big Wheel Questions

January 30 2008, 7:29 PM 

That's it I'm putting baseball cards in my spokes too.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


So, I'm a BIG WHEEL now, eh ?

January 30 2008, 7:38 PM 

Hi Del,

1) Is that the original axle with the new wheels or a different axle?

It is the same axle.

2) Can you give us a source to get the exact same wheels?

I went to my local EzyLift shop, they sell golf buggies, wheels, trolleys, etc; I don't know the name of any particular firm over there.

The wheels have an insert at each end that can be removed to fit different sized axles with same size inserts.

I removed the inserts, and the inner hub of the wheels had raised splines (?) moulded inside the hub.

The wheel was placed in a drill press and drilled out to fit onto the original axle.

Care must be taken that the drill does not "bite" the spline and go off-centre, you have to have the drill run true, otherwise you may get wobbly wheels, (bit like Rick after a big night out )


1) Do you see any issues resulting from this permanent big wheel modification?

I also cannot see any problems, reason being that the drive head is floating independant of the solution tank, wheels, etc;

You do have to take it marginally slower lowering the drive head onto the carpet, but that is just common sense, due to the angle of the drive head with the weight from a higher angle.

Hope this helps.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Del Scrivner

Re: So, I'm a BIG WHEEL now, eh ?

January 30 2008, 10:56 PM 

OK, I need my English/Australian Dictionary.

A golf buggy is???? A motorized golf cart, or one of them deals you manually wheel around. 

I guess a golf buggy could be American too seeing as how the only golf I play you get a rubber club, a green ball and try to get it past the windmill and into the clown's mouth.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Golf Buggy Wheels

January 30 2008, 11:52 PM 

Okay, allright, I probably screwed up again.

I don't play golf, so I have never been known to play a round

Well, there was this one ti................................. 'nuff said about that !!!

BUT, I have seen these golf bags that are on big wheels, and I thought that the wheels I got were for these golf buggies.

The ones I have seen were ( I think ), stock standard golf bags or bigger ones with an esky in for the coldies while you walk.

The bags were strapped to this buggy thing with either two or three wheels.

Point is, it really doesn't matter what use they are designed for, I just seen them and said, "They'll do".

Then I modified from there.

Sometimes you just have to think outside the box and imagine what you could do, then plan how you would do it.

I have never believed in the saying it can't be done, or, you can't do that.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Del Scrivner

Re: Golf Buggy Wheels

January 31 2008, 8:35 AM 

Not that you screwed up at all Big Guy.  I just like those wheels (OK better then mine.  That was on the third tablet Moses dropped-  XIII- Thou shall not covet thy neighbors big Cimex wheels.)

Just trying to figure out where I can find some like it that's all.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Don Eldred

Re: Golf Buggy Wheels

January 31 2008, 2:50 PM 

Go to any local golf shop and they have golf carts, look at the different models til you see one with the type wheels you need ask the shop to order you a set of wheels, they may even have some in the back room. These wheels are off the type cart you ride in, but the type you pull behind you.

This message has been edited by CLEANEX on Jan 31, 2008 2:51 PM

Turner Clean

Re: Golf Buggy Wheels

January 31 2008, 3:24 PM 

For the buggy wheels you could try a pawn shop or used sports shop to get them. I can get them at Princess Auto in Canada, they have lots of wheels there.

6 months with a Cimex now and love it, I have been thinking of getting larger wheels as well, so thanks. I to lift it into the van did not like the ramps, plus they get in the way.


Current Topic - Shorty and Rick G.- Big Wheel Questions
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