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Choosing between CBM machines

February 4 2008 at 12:02 PM
David Hebert  

I am hopeful I can get some assistance from the members here

We are in need of coming up with a new CBM machine for a few of our clients our old supplier just does not cut it any more.

I am torn between the Windsor Icapsol with the sprayer and Cobb's Agitator. Yes I know where it comes from I Trust Larry though.

Anyone have experience with both of these machines?
I need to get on this soon.


If there is another option beside Big yellow
that is in the $1500 to $1800 range to quickly encap small to medium areas and also double as a scrubber for Prespray I am all ears

This message has been edited by David-Hebert on Feb 4, 2008 12:07 PM


Del Scrivner

Re: Choosing between CBM machines

February 4 2008, 6:54 PM 

I heard Larry's machine weighs almost 100 pounds????

I love my Sprint, although I have never used an Icapsol, so I don't have the full picture as well.  I'd be happy to talk Sprint with you though.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Choosing between CBM machines

February 5 2008, 2:03 AM 

I have only used the Icapsol with sprayer, so I can only comment on it.

I use it for areas that just need a quick encaping in plush residential / empty apartments. It works good for me because I can also use it as part of my prespray process before I extract.

If I use it behind the mex or OP for areas that need true agitation, it evens the pile and makes a nice clean presentation in my opinion.

Number one problem for me: collection tray. In areas that are newer and havent been vacd much there is alot of Fuzz. I stop often to vac it out. I am currently looking into a nice "dustbuster" type vac that is hand held and can be kept on board for quick cleans to cut time.

Also, it doesn't scrub hard (with the standard brushes) for me getting spots out has been difficult.


Re: Choosing between CBM machines

February 5 2008, 8:51 PM 

The Orbitech CBM is not as refined as the competitors.

It is very heavy, would not make a ideal choice to prescrub prespray with.

tips easily, so dont walk away from it when you have a tank full of solution,

Doesnt put its full weight on the brushes, it has wheels the support the weight. Without these wheels or on older models that have adjustable wheels the motor can overheat and shut down.

Is a over all large package, making it difficult to get into smaller areas and under desks etc.

The vacuum port is about useless.

You might consider a GLS, it is a superior machine.

This message has been edited by link_77 on Feb 5, 2008 8:53 PM

Current Topic - Choosing between CBM machines
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