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All New High Pressure Steamin Demon ??? Any Info Rick?

February 5 2008 at 12:32 PM

new High Pressure Steamin Demon (actually has a high pressure 3.8 gpm onboard pump)

the above was mentioned at Mike's forum...anyone have info/spec's?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: All New High Pressure Steamin Demon ??? Any Info Rick?

February 5 2008, 5:11 PM 

Derek,hello there bro.

I unfortunately don't get to go to fests. So help me to understand your question. As i understand the Demon already pumps out 4gpm (up to) from the establishment's water source. But you say there is a new one that has a pump which the water from the building is pumped by this on board pump that will keep the water flowing at a consistant 4gpm? Or an added 4gpm TO THE ALREADY 4GPM?

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: All New High Pressure Steamin Demon ??? Any Info Rick?

February 5 2008, 6:14 PM 

The high pressure Demon has been around for quite some time now.
Last I knew the high pressure came from the pump of a TM or an other external source, this also give it great heat.

If there has been a change and it now used a high pressure pump that is now on board I have not seen it yet.It would also need two cords to make it work


Re: All New High Pressure Steamin Demon ??? Any Info Rick?

February 5 2008, 8:43 PM 

Alex, you are confusing GPM and PSI


Rick Gelinas

Re: All New High Pressure Steamin Demon ??? Any Info Rick?

February 5 2008, 8:53 PM 

David answered that question correctly. Thanks Dave.

Rick Gelinas


Del Scrivner

Is that the same as the XL-20 then?

February 5 2008, 10:19 PM 

Is that the same as the XL-20 then?

Or is it an attachment for purchase?

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Is that the same as the XL-20 then?

February 5 2008, 11:01 PM 

It is a Classic with high pressure fittings hoses and a guage.
If I can find pictures of it I'll post them for you.

I unknowingly built the first high pressure Demon a year or so before the came out. WE had a spare Demon so I ran all high pressure hoses and fittings, doing it because I wanted to run propane to it for heat.After that worked I got the bright idea to hook up a 3/8 power washing fitting instead of the garden hose fitting and try it with my TM pump. That made doing my resturants much easier. A while after I found out From John Downey they made high pressure Demons specifically for client with the need for the product and were going to put it into the line up.

You do not always have to use this machine with a high pressure pump you can just switch fittings and run it with a garden hose fittings as normal, this would work great if you just wanted high heat.


Current Topic - All New High Pressure Steamin Demon ??? Any Info Rick?
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