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February 7 2008 at 1:04 AM

Regarding the Cimex and cleaning (commercial Carpets) with "Fibreplus pads", the solutions is delivered to the top of the pads which are rotating, hence the certricial force ensure the Releasit DS is evenly spread over the Pad & the Carpeted surface.

Cleaning (Domestic: Cut/ twist pile Carpets) useing the soft Brushes; the distrubition of Releasit DS is directly on to the carpeted surface, hence the even spreading of the Cleaning solution isn't very efficant.
Could this effect the overall performance ?
What other actions can be used to reduce wet spots ?
Would it be better to pre-spray the Releasit DS first then Cimex, brush Clean the carpeted surface ?
Any comments !!!!!

West Aussie



Rick Gelinas


February 7 2008, 6:34 AM 

You would generally use the soft brushes for CUT PILE carpets, or other SOFT fiber constructed carpets. Cut pile carpets are usually plush, and are typically installed over a pad. The brushes distribute the juice fairly well with a thicker plush carpet. The longer/thicker pile make it easier to get even distribution. Plus in a residential setting you're not typically trotting at the rate of speed that you are on a flat commercial glue down. The pads will definitely perform BEST on a CGD carpet. However the brushes will normally do just fine on a residential installation of cut pile carpet.

Rick Gelinas


Use yer old pads

February 7 2008, 6:46 AM 

don't really find it much of a problem, but if you are concerned, why not cut your old pads down to size and place several of them inside the centre piece of the brushes.

The solution will then flow through the pads and onto the carpet as per using pads normally.

Only problem I have had when I did this was sometimes the pads would dislodge.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Use yer old pads

February 7 2008, 5:29 PM 

Is "efficant" another one of those weird Aussie words?

Current Topic - CIMEX CLEANING-Pads / Brush
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS