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Windsor / Clarke Admiral 8 scrubber

February 13 2008 at 4:03 PM

Can someone enlighten me on the cleaning capabilities of the Windsor or Clarke Admiral 8 machine.

What are the good points.

What are the bad points.

Importantly, what is it like to take up and down stairs, also put in & out of a van ?

Have several remote locations that have not been cleaned for a long time & tender stipulates hwe, no other system will be allowed.

One location is by boat or aeroplane, others are by 4 x 4, in the dry season only.

This effectively rules out my truck mount.

All serious posts thanked in advance.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Windsor / Clarke Admiral 8 scrubber

February 13 2008, 4:34 PM 

Hi Shorty,

Why not the 35lbs. steamin demon? Its HWE also.
With glide. Rick Thode sells glides.

Or maybe look at the Kleenrite portable less than 100lbs. These can be as nice as you want them just tell Rick Gelinas the specifications and he'll serve you well. Lots of air flow and psi.

I was looking into the windsor line at one point but glad i was coached to go another route. After looking at those selfcontained units i found that most have this huge battery that wieghs a ton.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Del Scrivner


February 13 2008, 5:54 PM 

Shorty wants a Demon, but he lives in Austrailia and there is not a 240 version so he has problems getting a Demon to work.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Admiral 8

February 13 2008, 6:33 PM 

I used to use a Windsor Clipper 12, which was a very nice machine with regard to self contained extractors. Truly I felt it to be outstanding in that category. I believe the Admiral 8 to essentially be just a smaller machine and it doesn't offer the handle design of the Clipper. Which all in all most of the time for me I operated the Clipper by pulling it, rather than as a walk behind, so that isn't an issue. The vacuum shoe, brush roll, spray jet convenience were all outstanding for self contained units. Belt replacement wasn't that hard, easy toget the brush out to clean both the brush and the housing. Floating vacuum shoe seems to work better than competitors, jets were easy to remove and clean. Pigtail cord so cord replacement isn't a problem. Also for me the brush height adjustment mechanism was very nice compared to others, also the "storage" feature so that the brush roll wasn't getting bent out of shape. Wasn't bad to lift in and out of vehicle when it was empty either. Myself I'd go for it, and also check out the Clipper Duo unit. The Duo might be a nice option especially paired up with Releasit? Also, the Windsor website is pretty nice to access info, looks like they already have the aussie unit manuals,etc. online. Rick sells Windsor would be interested to hear his opinions. I think the Betco FP8 is also a private label cousin? However for a jansan type selfcontained unit Windsor is nice.



February 13 2008, 7:02 PM 

I was a bit incomplete. Was also not bad for stairs, however the width of the stairs can be an issue, if there is a landing with a turn to be made. Also if you have a helper it makes stairs, vehicle much easier. The downside to me was to be expected. It is a self contained extractor, it isn't going to function like a TM or SD. Also, as with everything if it isn't maintained and taken care of it won't continue to make you money. That often times is the case with self contained units in institutional or contract cleaner settings, and possibly justifiably so, some one making $7 or $8 US with little to no benefits will rarely take care of eqmt. As far as flushing it is 100psi, 8 gallon tanks. The limitations are inherent, especially to one's own patience when they are used to the performance of TM or SD. Haivng to stop to empty and fill, etc. is all part of the game with self contained, also heat or lack of it is possibly a problem. One can use a bucket heater to heat up water before it goes into unit, but it will cool. Also, I usually only ran plain water or acidic "rinse" through my solution tank, would prespray with a separate sprayer and another chemical trying to tweak the TACT pie. On more stubborn spots would use a more aggressive brush by hand to agitate more "deeply".
Can you get a demo of the unit prior to purchase to get a better "feel" for it?


Re: Sorry!

February 13 2008, 8:21 PM 

Thats right I forgot.
Shorty needs two forty.

I'm getting old so i don't remember as well.

The Duo is the one i was concidering. I thought it was cool it had the scrubbing (encap) and the extraction conversion at the flip of a button. It didn't fit for me with six floors 60,000 sq.ft. total carpet (OFFICES ECT) I'm not even cleaning 1/4 of the building's carpet yet unfortunately.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Bob Forsythe

Re: Sorry!

February 14 2008, 9:36 PM 

I have been thinking about the Cadet 7. I would prespray/agitate with my Sprint, rotary or Cimex and then go over it with the Cadet 7. I currently use a Rotovac w/ portable for this process. It does a beautiful job, but it's too much to handle with the chords and hoses. I like the handle on the Cadet 7 better + it is lighter, has the same vacuum and a little less PSI, which may result in drier carpets and ability to do extra passes if desired without soaking the carpet (my theoretical thinking).

Current Topic - Windsor / Clarke Admiral 8 scrubber
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