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Help with Encap

February 20 2008 at 9:44 AM


I was wondering if someone could send me some more information on the encap process. I am in the process of re-opening my carpet cleaning business and would like to try this process in commercial applications. I was in business before from 1995 to 2001, for the last 6 years I have been a police officer. Law enforcement was very rewarding but I really missed my business. I will be using HWE for residential but would like to try this process for commercial. I would love to have a Cimex machine but its just not in the budget right now. I do have a 16" Hild 175 rpm floor machine, can I use this for encap? If so, can you tell me the products I would need to do commercial glue down type carpet? Also, I think I understand the process but if you could explain it to me to make sure-- that would be great. Just let me know about chemicals, pads, etc. anything I would need in addition to my 175 to be efficient in cleaning this way. Also, if you can tell me about upholstery and encap- I saw a post where a sofa was done-- it looked great. Also products needed for this application. Thanks for your help-- I really enjoy the encap board.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Help with Encap

February 20 2008, 10:03 AM 

Welcome Ed,

You've come to the right place if you're seeking information about Encapsulation!

This message board is a treasure trove of data on the subject. I have been heavily involved with promoting "encap" from its inception. In fact I was the first person to use the word "Encapsulation", as we now use it in the industry, by making the very first message board post relating to encapsulation a few years back on the ICS message board. Long story short, ask anything you'd like here and you will get good answers.

Be sure to use the SEARCH function on this message board to research any question you may have. You'll find a ton of good information here.

Also here are a couple of links that will provide a nice overview of the encap process...>>

You may also want to poke around on the Releasit website too....>

Welcome to the world of encap!
If I can assist you in any way let me know.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 20, 2008 10:04 AM



Re: Help with Encap

February 20 2008, 10:15 AM 

Thanks Rick, I will check it out.



Re: Help with Encap

February 20 2008, 10:40 AM 

So Rick, let me see if I got this right. Based on what I have read I should use the 15" Fiber Plus pads instead of my brush head on my 16" 175 rpm machine right? Also, I could use Encap Punch for both encapsulation and my HWE applications right? Does punch dilute at the same ratio as Encap Clean, what is the difference? It seems that Encap Clean dilutes at 8oz per gallon producing 16 gallons of solution per concentrated gallon. If it will clean 300 sq. feet per mixed gallon, then it should clean about 4800 sq. feet per gallon of concentrate, is that right? Is Punch the same numbers as above? Let me know. Man this is an exciting product- I saw the pictures on the residential link of that nasty apartment carpet-- WOW.

So- Vacuum
Pre-spray with Encap punch
Scrub with rotary w/ fiber plus pads
Groom with Grandi Groomer

Do you recommend using air movers to dry?

Is this right or am I missing something?


Don Eldred

Re: Help with Encap

February 20 2008, 10:40 AM 

Ed. You are in the right place and Rick is the man to provide you with all you need to know about encap cleaning

danny strickland

Re: Help with Encap

February 20 2008, 10:59 AM 

just be sure to tell the biz owners you'll be SHAMPOOING the carpets. incapp is a discription of what the chemical does, not a method!!!

JiMMy LADWIG on Dannys computer

PS it's a great chem to use on CGD carpet and Ricky will take great care of you!

This message has been edited by grittynitty on Feb 20, 2008 11:00 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Help with Encap

February 20 2008, 10:59 AM 


Use Encap-Punch as a pre-spray, HWE rinse, or bonnet cleaner (at varying rates of dilution).

Use Encap-Clean at 8 oz per gallon. That's 16:1 making 17 gallons of rtu solution. So one gallon will clean 5100 sq ft

Or use Encap-Clean DS (the DS stands for double strength - mixes at 4 oz per gallon). That's 32:1 making 33 gallons of rtu solution. One gallon will clean 9900 sq ft.

Yes the FiberPlus pads will do a much better job than a standard shampoo brush. It may be hard to imagine, I had a hard time wrapping my brain around that to. But it's true! Better agitation and less chemical usage.

I'm on the road today, so this will be my last post till later. Thanks for asking.

Rick Gelinas



Re: Help with Encap

February 20 2008, 11:12 AM 

Thanks for the replies- I really appreciate it.


Del Scrivner

Welcome Ed

February 20 2008, 4:08 PM 

Welcome Ed,

There are a few of us out there that have hung up the badge and gun and now love to clean carpet.

Rick is a GREAT guy and has World Class service!

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Kevin Pearson


February 20 2008, 5:24 PM 


Good to have you on the board. Not sure I can answer your question about the machine you have. I was always strictly HWE with a Butler truckmount until 4 years ago. I bought a Cimex and loved it so much I bought another one. We use the Cimex/Releasit DS combo on all commercial and on oriental rugs in our rug cleaning plant. Your gonna love the chems.

Rick is a great guy and will help you out anyway he can. He is very accessible and most importantly he understands what it is like to clean carpet. Which not all suppliers can say.

Kevin Pearson



Re: Welcome

February 20 2008, 9:58 PM 

Thanks guys for the responses, even had a chance to meet a former fellow officer-- thats pretty cool.

Current Topic - Help with Encap
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS