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Rick, Question about marketing

March 10 2008 at 8:46 AM

Joe DeSouza  

I want to target a large group of class A buildings that are on one highway, theres got to be about 50 of them...some big companies like british airways,etc...Is there an easier way than to drive up to each one and try to find out who is responsible for the carpet cleaning?

Question 2: most of these buildings have multiple tenants, but usually is owned and maintained by a group of investors or real estate companies (for example HUGE R.E. holdings companies like CB Richard Ellis, etc.), some of them even overseas companies. Do I target these companies that own the building, or visit each individual tenant in the building?

I would love to here how you have approached similar big class A buildings...I want to go for the BIG stuff!!



PS GREAT call in the other day! Thanks!!

This message has been edited by jodyzuza on Mar 10, 2008 8:52 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick, Question about marketing

March 10 2008, 3:48 PM 

The absolute BEST way to sell commercial work is to get in front of the decision maker, and stay in front of them. There is no other alternative that will work as well. As I outlined on the teleseminar that that you listened to - call first, follow up with an introductory sales letter. Then call back and make a personal appearance. You have got to get in front of the decision maker. This type of selling can not be done remotely via phone calls and mailings. The phone calls and mailings are only used to get you in front of the decision maker.

You will have to dig around a bit to learn who is responsible for making the maintenance decisions. You will do that when you make your first phone call to the building. Once you have learned who is responsible for making the decisions for carpet care, you now have your target! Lock in and keep firing until the account is yours.

Once you get your meeting with the decision maker you can use the items in the CMS kit to close the sale, i.e. PowerPoint presentation, perform a thorough carpet inspection, write up a proposal, provide a contract, etc. Repeatedly sending flyers and post card are also helpful to keep the line of communication open with them, since it often requires making multiple impressions on them to make the sale. And be sure to keep making effective return visits on them by routinely calling back on them.

The most important thing to keep in mind if you want to be successful at commercial selling is simply to get out and do it! Defy gravity, and get out of your chair and out the front door. That's not always easy, we're all a little lazy at times (including me). But it sounds like there are a lot of great business opportunities waiting for you in your area. Keep in mind, SOMEONE is taking care of those carpets now, shouldn't that someone be YOU? So get your butt out there. Schedule one morning a week for commercial marketing/selling, and stick to it. You CAN do it.

Wishing you success!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 10, 2008 4:20 PM

Current Topic - Rick, Question about marketing
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