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Restuarant question

March 15 2008 at 11:24 AM
Bill Youmans  

For those of you who do restuarant cleanings with cimex, I have a question. What kind of juice do you use for the greasy soil found in the carpets. I have done a few resturants with so so results using punch and releasit which is fine for my other accounts.
I have been in the rest. industy for quite a few years so I have plenty of contacts so this could be a worthwhile avenuse for me (I know, rest.don't like to pay much and there harder to clean, but, with just a couple of nights work comes checks that come monthly throughout the year) So is there something that really cuts through the grime?

Bill y


Re: Restuarant question

March 15 2008, 10:03 PM 

From what I cal remember reading, those two chemicals are what others here have said works so well on greasy restaurants. In fact, I remember seeing pictures of successful restaurant cleanings.

The silence on this thread is interesting.

Bill Youmans

Re: Restuarant question

March 16 2008, 11:44 AM 

well I think both of these chemicals work rather well in 90% of my accounts. But its the thick, nasty traffic lanes that I'm speaking of. I'm looking for something to cut through that, maybe an emulsifier, maybe something that eats up the proteins. But the products are really good. I've only been in the business for about 2 years with NEVER a hint of a complaint (it's me more than my accounts, I'm harder on myself than they are by far)
Oh, and by the way I use the beige/white pads, maybe a more aggressive pad would also work better.

Bill Y


Re: Restuarant question

March 17 2008, 11:12 AM 

Releasit DS pump it up a bit.

Sometimes near the doors in and doors to the kitchen, use a shop vac/spotter/hwe to take up the slurry, or not depending.

Sorry I worked almost 24hrs straight, doing some floors, and some gen. Jan San. It happens once in a while, but not as profitable as carpets.

You can not get much worse than this below. Also the pad is determined by the carpet not what you want. If you were to use the aggressive pad on the the second carpet due to the fabric, I believe that you would damage it. The first carpet I used the aggressive due to it being the cheap commercial grade, but the first was plush and costly, so nice and easy pad. Just make it 8 ounces of DS for those high traffic areas. Also a pre spotter of an All Bio, degreaser and spot and stain with some DS, works like a charm.

The Mask Man

Re: Restuarant question

March 18 2008, 10:22 PM 

Hey That looks like my Cimex.

The Mask Man

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Restuarant question

March 18 2008, 11:46 PM 

Nice pictures Ed!

Punch and Clean are able to handle most oily conditions very well.

If it's a neglected, rat nasty, caked on thick, mess of lard - whip out the ol' extractor and suck up the crud. But for normal soil loads, encapping with Releasit will take good care of you.

Or better yet...
Avoid jobs that are neglected, rat nasty, caked on thick, messes of lard.
Life's too short for that kind of stuff. Leave those jobs for your competition.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Restuarant question
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS