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Want to share?

March 18 2008 at 5:12 PM

Anybody want to share what you have in writing to explain your encap process to the commercial client?

I want to share it with my carpet cleaning companies in Toronto (I sell Cimex machines here)

you can fax it to me at 1-866-662-6963 or e-mail it to

thanks in advance for your help.

Ken Jacobs


Re: Want to share?

March 18 2008, 10:27 PM 

We do not share that info with a commercial client or any other for that matter. We sell clean not cleaning methods the more you explain thing to a commercial client the more chances you have of loosing the account.


Re: Want to share?

March 18 2008, 11:16 PM 

Over here property managers want to know what method you are using.
Basically they expect an explanation of what they are paying for.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Want to share?

March 19 2008, 12:57 AM 

The "Whole Clean" system that's outlined in the CMS program works well. It doesn't specify any particular system. Instead it states that you will determine and use whatever cleaning method is best for the carpet. --- After all, that's what they're hiring you for. You're the expert, not them. If they truly knew about carpet cleaning, they could do it themselves.

I've always found that it's best to give a small amount of info about your "Cleaning System", and then move on to more important things; such as - providing a killer demo, producing consistent results, solving their problems, extending the life of their carpet, not interrupting their work flow, working with their schedule, offering a solid guarantee, outlining your office procedures, demonstrating that you're a professional, etc. When you add all those meaningful things together, the customer's confidence in your services should be sufficient to now to do business with your company.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Want to share?
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