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IF you had a choice WARNING - WARNING - not encap

March 24 2008 at 7:20 AM

Assuming some of us still do HWE as I like to flush occasionally............

IF you had a choice, and were in the market to buy one of the following, what would you buy, and why?

Rotary Dry Master


Rotovac 360


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.



Which one?

March 24 2008, 7:36 AM 

Seen a demonstration a few years ago in Orlando of the RDM and was not impressed with these guys trying to clean a berber carpet. I tried the machine and did not like it. I could get better results with a buffer or cimex. Never have used a rotovac but I think I would go with the 360. The demonstration on their website looks like it would do a better job.

Rick Thode

Re: IF you had a choice WARNING - WARNING - not encap

March 24 2008, 9:30 AM 

Rotovac 360 is a much better way to go, especially with Greenglides on them. I have several customers here in Canada who have the rotary drimasters that they are looking to get rid of (if you want one for a great price, let me know, I'll put you in touch with my customers). They tell me that the cleaning is too superficial and that they only clean lightly soiled carpet at best.

I've sold Greenhorn wands to most of them and they say that they can dry a carpet just as fast but clean way better.

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Releasit/Cimex Connection

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex

Mike Charles


March 24 2008, 9:53 AM 

The RDM uses a LOT of water, and most portables unless they have auto fill and dump, are not what you would want to use with them...most use a TM with them for the water issues.

So, go with the 360, as it was designed to work with a portable or a TM.


Rick Gelinas

Re: RDM..

March 24 2008, 11:11 AM 

Never owned an RDM but I used to own an RX-20 and it was slow. Results were fantastic, but it's slow. I think that a pre-scrub with a rotary, Cimex, cylindrical, or OP - prior to your rinse is the best method. You can rinse faster and get better results if you add agitation in front of the rinse step. The job will turn out better, the client will be more impressed by your use of multiple machines, and you probably won't spend much more time than you would have if you were struggling to get a soiled carpet clean with a wand alone.

In the tAct pie, the A should be CAPITALIZED!


Rick Gelinas


Re: RDM..

March 30 2008, 7:06 AM 

Shorty I agree with rick

I always run the cimex over most carpets before I HWE.

Clents love it.

Joel Riggs

Re: IF you had a choice WARNING - WARNING - not encap

March 25 2008, 5:40 AM 

I have a 360 and love it. I have never used the drismater. I am back and forth on whether i like my 360 on CGD or Berber though. But anything with more nap then berber and it cleans the bejesus out of it.

Current Topic - IF you had a choice WARNING - WARNING - not encap
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS