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March 24 2008 at 1:50 PM
stephen hayward  

Do you find there is any carpets that encaping does not work. I dont mean the level of soil but fibre type ie nylon wool etc


Re: encap

March 25 2008, 12:11 AM 

not so far


Rick Gelinas

Re: encap

March 26 2008, 8:26 AM 

What Ken said!

I'll add this: "Releasit Encap-Clean is safe for any colorfast fiber that can be cleaned with water."

Rick Gelinas

stephen hayward


March 26 2008, 9:11 AM 

Hi Rick
I understand what you are saying may be i should put it another way.Is there any soils it doe not work on?


Rick Gelinas

Re: encap

March 26 2008, 3:33 PM 

Releasit can easily handle most types of soil and all soil loads, up to the most extreme (like a total pigged out grease pit). In other words, Releasit can take care of all the soil conditions that you're likely to run into in the lion's share of your commercial buildings. And it will do it superbly! You'll be hard pressed to find conditions that Releasit can't handle.

Rick Gelinas

stephen hayward


March 26 2008, 5:44 PM 

Hi Rick
Thanks for the reply. One problem i have is here in the uk as far as i know no one inports your product. The main one is bridge points or prochems we have little choice. Will you export to the uk?


Rick Gelinas

Re: encap

March 27 2008, 8:45 PM 

We will be happy to export to the UK.

I agree, we need to get set up in the UK. Australia and Canada are already going strong.

If you have a favorite importer/distributor, please send them our way.

And in the meantime we can ship Releasit direct to you.
We can't have our UK friends using inferior encap products now can we?

Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like to and I'll do whatever it takes to take care of you.

Thanks for your suggestions, I really appreciate your thoughts on this.

Rick Gelinas

stephen hayward


March 28 2008, 5:23 AM 

Hi Rick
Thanks for the reply. I will talk to a distributor and i am trying a few products out 1 being from true vox an usa product but i dont know who. Maybe as true vox makes the cimex they would be interested to use your encap

stephen hayward


March 28 2008, 12:38 PM 

Hi Rick
I have passed your e-mail address on to solutions uk who are interested in your products

Current Topic - encap
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS