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March 25 2008 at 12:01 AM
John Middleton  

It's approaching 5 years now since I first imported my first encap juice and started encapping. Gone is the old 17" rotary that got me going. Gone are the 2" chemdry bonnets that I used so effectively under it.

I now use Releasit DS almost exclusively through either my 19" cimex running FPPads or my 20" Brute with spray system running 21" glad pads.

I was up talking with the manager of a large complex (1200 single bed units with hallways and common lounges) that we got into 2 years ago 'by accident'. Their cleaning crew couldn't cope with the massive work load at Christmas time and subbed out general and carpet cleaning to a cleaning subbie of mine. Naturally she got me to do the carpets.

They were so impressed by the results, they immediately sacked their other CCer and got me to do their work.

2 years later and a good reasonably sized 'contract cashflow' and he said that he was really pleased with our service and results. 90% is encapped. They are staying clean, no wick backs and they are dry almost straight away and they don't have the tripping and slipping hazards for the students like they used to with the other company.

Up until now, we've only done the hallways and common lounges and minor spotting in the odd bedroom here and there.

Today he announced that he is scheduling a FULL clean of the entire student blocks.... bedrooms and all. YEEHAA... I've been waiting for this day.

You don't have to think too far to see the potential here with approaching 1200 units additional to the hallways and lounges.

on top of that, they had a national company approach them for the contract and they declied as they prefer a local company that is there for the long haul and can be on campus at the drop of a hat for emergency work like I've done numerous times over the past 2 years.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Way to go cobber

March 25 2008, 2:54 AM 

Onya Johnno.

See, I told all of you'se before, this ex-Queenslander is okay.

I've probably forgotten most everything I've told him over the years, but I'm glad he remembered some of it and put it to good use

Good to see everything has panned out EXCELLENT for you mate.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

george mavridis

Good on you John

March 25 2008, 4:08 AM 

That's great stuff there John. I knew your boyish good looks would hold you in good stead.


Heath Menefy

Re: Good on you John

March 25 2008, 4:22 AM 

Good job John. Let me know if you need a hand - I'll work for a hundy a day to get some experience on a Cimex and see what that juice is like...

Plus accomodation of course.

This message has been edited by heathmenefy on Mar 25, 2008 4:30 AM


Rick Gelinas

See ya Down Under :-)

March 25 2008, 6:14 AM 

Well done sir!

Looking forward to seeing you fellas in Australia in 2 weeks

Rick Gelinas

Joe Desmond

Re: Winners...

March 25 2008, 3:20 PM 

Nice going John. Have you been encapping or padcapping it for two years with no HWE?

John Middleton

Re: Winners...

March 26 2008, 2:42 AM 


Initially we had to do a bit of HWE but apart from that, it went mainly to the Cimex with FPP. I got the Brute last year and so the past 6 months of so have been 50/50 with the Cimex/Brute.

I only run bonnets under the Brute.

There is still the need for HWE. Being young and silly students, they do stuff that normal adults wouldn't. Often after parties we need to clean up anything from drink to blood to urine to faeces etc. Obviously they get the full HWE treatment but apart from that, the majority is all encapped.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand

Joe Desmond

Re: Winners...

March 26 2008, 1:34 PM 

Thanks for that info John.I have noticed you can go a long time encapping and like you said if there's no bodily fluids etc. It works wonders.How do you like your Brute? I picked up a used HOS
and still learning to OP. Nowhere near as fast as the Cimex. But I guess if you need to remove a heavy soil load it's OK.

John Middleton

Re: Winners...

March 26 2008, 3:06 PM 

They each have their place Joe.

Yes the Cimex is quicker. Also I think less spotting is needed.

On the flip side, the Brute is pulling some soil and doesn't leave SWIRLS.

I have one account where we run them both. First the cimex to scrub and then the brute to absorb some of the soil load off. Either one by itself wasn't getting it real pretty but together they did. I used to do this account with my Genesis on a long hose run through a shopping centre afterhours but the cinema is there and the traffic flow is now 7 days. On top of that, I was starting to get a few complaints of air noise (not engine or blower loudness) penetrating the cinema.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand

Thomas Owens

Re: Winners...

March 29 2008, 6:29 AM 

I always thought that op with bonnets would be great as a final step if needed. As an initial step, I would think it would be too absorbent to allow the chemical to be scrubbed multiple times, like a fiber plus pad can.

I can't afford to buy an op machine just yet, but if it could push off hwe almost indefinitely, might be worth it.


well done john

April 1 2008, 6:55 AM 

Very well done John.

I have One big boarding school that I now do all the carpets.

I used Releasit they just love it with the big yellow.

Looking forward to chat next week on the coast.

regards Jason

Current Topic - Winners...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS