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How well would the Steamin Demon...

March 25 2008 at 6:01 PM

extract a dirty commercial grade carpet if I had no water source, just scrubbed it with the mex and applied extra water after?

My situation: I won a contract for cleaning a 160+ apartment complex, with lots of halls & stairs. Problem is the 8 or so entrances NEED to be flushed. Im not OP'n till four in the morning either.

I have no source for water (except the cimex tank and two 5 gal. buckets w/ tops),, but could easily have a 55-gal drum in the van with the pump out hose going to it. Has any one done this? I have no other portable extraction equipment, or TM, and these areas arent Huge, but big enough that I couldnt use my 2 gal spotter.

Any ideas, etc?

Thanks in advance.

Bill Grafton

Re: How well would the Steamin Demon...

March 25 2008, 7:16 PM 

The Steamin Demon won’t work. The water pressure feed comes from the pressure of the water from the municipal water dept. Best bet would be to spray on a detergent cleaner of a 9 to 10 ph, agitate it into carpet with a Grandi Brush, rinse with fresh water from pump up sprayer, then buy or rent a wet/dry vac. Put a fan on it and when dry or just slightly damp Cimex it. If it’s a good account save your money and buy a portable. I think U.S. Products makes one of the best. Good Luck.



Re: How well would the Steamin Demon...

March 25 2008, 8:15 PM 


Im not going to use the SD for flushing purposes, just recovery. didnt know if the process of just scrubbing and adding water with my electric sprayer would be sufficient.

thank you for the response, looks like i can atleast try to do it and hope for the best!


Rick Gelinas

Re: How well would the Steamin Demon...

March 25 2008, 9:16 PM 

That sounds like a recipe for disaster. The SD won't cut it in the application that you're considering. You'd be better served to get ahold of a portable extractor for this job. If you don't have have access to one, you might be able to pick up a used one in a pawn shop or on e-bay.

Rick Gelinas

Mike Charles

Portable Rental

March 25 2008, 11:58 PM 

Go to your local supplier and rent a portable for the job.

Joe Desmond

Re: How well would the Steamin Demon...

March 26 2008, 12:49 AM 

If your nearest water source is more than you have hoses for on your demon just use a garden hose to makeup the extra for the supply. You can pump out to your 55 gallon drum to keep it under 150'.

Rick J

hallways and the Demon

March 26 2008, 10:16 AM 

Entry halls are tough,usually. I assume you are using the demon in the vacant units. Do you have a trusted bud with a truck who would work with you on those entries? It would be worth to pay him and be the helper if you want the account.


Re: hallways and the Demon

March 26 2008, 1:07 PM 

Thanks for the responses...i just was looking to use the demon for its vaccuum and pump out...not to apply any water.. just curious if I could apply enough water after scrubbing with my electric sprayer would be enough to rinse it right...i will be using encap DS so residue isnt a huge concern.


Re: hallways and the Demon

March 26 2008, 6:36 PM 

And I think the overwhelming responce has been no.. it won't work very well at all. If you really want to flush then you need a tm, portable or to hook up the demon appropriately. Several rental places will rent portables. Either the wand or self contained type would do well simply for the flushing purposes. Use the cimex to laydown encap punch and scrub in and then water extract with one of the above mentioned and then encap it. But prevac prevac prevac.


Del Scrivner

Re: hallways and the Demon

March 26 2008, 6:59 PM 

They do make LONG hoses for the Demon and even a hose reel.  I'd imagine Rick can hook you up if that would work for you.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: hallways and the Demon

March 27 2008, 10:03 AM 

Thanks for the responses! Maybe a rental is the best way to go..for now...

Current Topic - How well would the Steamin Demon...
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