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Perpetual Clean Contract Questions

April 5 2008 at 7:53 PM
Thomas Owens  

I love the idea of the Perpetual Clean Contract in the CMS. It makes sense for you to benefit from encap's ability to keep a carpet clean longer, instead of having the client push cleanings off further apart.

I had a couple of questions with it though.

1)What have been your experiences with accounts that did sign up for the Perpetual Clean Contract?

2)What happens when you need to HWE? If you gave a super low square footage price, like 3 or 4 cents, then how do you make money when you need to HWE?

3)Would this contract work for residential high rise building hallways and lobbies? There are a ton of high rises here, with carpet on every floor. Wouldn't such areas get dirtier than the average office building? The whole thing would essentially be a traffic lane.


This message has been edited by johnsmith808 on Apr 5, 2008 7:54 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Perpetual Clean Contract Questions

April 5 2008, 8:07 PM 

Responding from Oz.

Perpetual Clean is an idea that came from Paul Thompson. Paul runs a highly successful commercial business. Paul has roughly a million square feet of carpet under contract using this approach.

It is only useful for LARGE buildings. Although you are bidding at a crazy low rate of 1.5 to .02 per sq ft, you are NOT actually cleaning for 1.5 to .02 per sq ft. Instead you are cleaning at a much higher rate, because it is all part of a planned approach. You will be keeping every inch of carpet perfect, but since you're bidding on the total square footage of the entire building the true sq ft cleaning rate for actual cleaning goes up considerably.

Use this approach on LARGE commercial buildings and you should see some col results, just like Paul does.

Gotta run, we're about to board our plane to Cairns.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Perpetual Clean Contract Questions

April 5 2008, 10:40 PM 

While we do not use that particular program we do do have clients on maintenance contracts some parts get done monthly some every other months some quarterly.

The important part for us to make sure the client get the fact they will never have to worry about carpet or floor maintenance again as long as we are on the job. WE do not go after huge building so Ricks program would not work for us, we use a different formula that works for our company.

If I have to HWE then I just do it over the life of the agreement the extra time I have to spend once in a while does not a dent in my profit because I know certain areas will have to be flushed from time to time and build it into the pricing.

Any program with work with any building or residence you just need to customize it to fit the particular setting and name is something catchy to that audience. WE have what amounts to maintenance programs for residential clients also, you can play around with what will work for you.

done free traffic lanes in six months (with stips)
every third cleaning half off, or free (with stips)
they key is to get extra work when you are there or have something you add on to the service.

Don Eldred

Re: Perpetual Clean Contract Questions

April 7 2008, 9:15 AM 

We have been in the Carpet Maintenance businees for over 30 years, the biggest benefit for us has been that many of the same customers have been with us for those 30 years. The other benefit is the constant flow of cash 12 months a year. Staffing can be done with part time help. It is an excellent source of income without a large investment.

Thomas Owens

Re: Perpetual Clean Contract Questions

April 7 2008, 11:31 PM 

Thanks for the responses.

I definitely see the wisdom in commercial carpet maintenance accounts.

I've been a residential only guy for too long. It was mainly because my cleaning service targeted residential customers. Hear in Hawaii, though, people take their shoes off before they enter their homes. Can you imagine how long it takes for carpets to get dirty? I have cleaned more rental move-outs than anything else. Usually trashed.

I haven't fully invested into carpet cleaning up until now because I always felt that it was such a crowded market. But the more I looked around, the more I realized that most of the guys seem to be marketing primarily to residential. I say let them have that market.

Now I'm going to push 100% commercial carpet maintenance (and tile and grout). I can truly say that without this board and many helpful individuals, I would have not clue even where to start.

Instead, I have a very clear idea of what I plan on doing, and where I want to take it.

Thanks again everyone.

Current Topic - Perpetual Clean Contract Questions
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