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Signed, Almost Sealed, Not Yet Delivered....I'm Gone!!!

April 8 2008 at 5:40 PM
Kevin Jones  

Signed the Purchase Agreement yesterday to sell my business.
Closing in the next 8 to 10 days.
Hmmmm.....what will I do????
No compete.....3 years, 50 miles....hmmmm
If anybody needs a fantastic, great, excellent project or Ops Manager, I'll be available soon!!!


Del Scrivner

Re: Signed, Almost Sealed, Not Yet Delivered....I'm Gone!!!

April 8 2008, 9:15 PM 


Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Signed, Almost Sealed, Not Yet Delivered....I'm Gone!!!

April 9 2008, 2:31 AM 

Hmm, Can you teach Kevin maybe life as an Instructor would work for you.....

Good luck, um scratch that - I'm sure you will make your own. Whatever you do, try to find something you enjoy doing.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Signed, Almost Sealed, Not Yet Delivered....I'm Gone!!!

April 9 2008, 2:33 AM 

Hmm, damned wireless.

This message has been edited by HarryHides on Apr 9, 2008 2:34 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Signed, Almost Sealed, Not Yet Delivered....I'm Gone!!!

April 9 2008, 3:01 AM 

Kewl beans Kevin!

I wish you success as you head into new territory. And be sure to stop by and pay us a visit sometimes so you can keep your hand on the pulse of things.

Hope your next venture goes well!

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

Re: Signed, Almost Sealed, Not Yet Delivered....I'm Gone!!!

April 9 2008, 7:00 PM 

Thanks for all the kind words! Truth is, I'm not making out as well as I would like, thus I still am interviewing for jobs! But it's okay.
This is a great industry and I'm tickled to be a part of it. I am interviewing with at least 2 larger companies that have a hand in cleaning & restoration. While I enjoy being self employed, there are some headaches I'm just plain ole tired of.
Not to mention, my wife and I have totally different concepts of how to run this business and for the last 3 years or so, it's been a constant source of bickering between us.
While our business has grown by leaps and bounds, it is in nowhere near the place it needs to be for a "great" sale! The two gentlemen taking it over are younger and eager and will do a fantastic job continuing to build what Melinda and I started. I'm tickled for 'em.
Years ago, I was planning to attend Seminary, but ran from that mode. I have been running for years. So, finally, at 47 years of age, I am planning to attend and get that ole Seminary degree. In my 25 years in the work force since college, I've spent 10.5 in law enforcement, 2 in insurance and 10 in cleaning & restoration. If you're not where you're supposed to be, the "man upstairs" will only let you go so far.
We had a record year last year, then hit a brick wall. We are now picking ourselves out of the wall, but it is time to move on. We are trusting our path solely to that "man upstairs".
So, while no clear path is available yet, all signs we have been given point to us making the proper decisions so far.
Now, I'll still be around. There are a bunch of people in this industry whom I respect a great deal.

We will see where He leads.

Thanks again to everybody!

This message has been edited by KevinJones on Apr 9, 2008 7:01 PM

Current Topic - Signed, Almost Sealed, Not Yet Delivered....I'm Gone!!!
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