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Great Barrier Reef

April 9 2008 at 4:48 AM

Rick Gelinas 

Today we went snorkeling on the outer reef. We also took a helicopter ride over the reef. Talk about some BEAUTIFUL creation! I rented a waterproof camera and snapped away, so there are a lot of shots.

It was an unbelievable experience! The tour company takes you out on a big ferry to a floating station that you dive from. They also have an optional 10 minute helicopter ride over the reef that we took too.

Snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef is hard to describe. You can swim right up to schools of tropical fish, I actually reached out and touched one of them. We didn't see any sharks, and we didn't find Nemo either, but we had a blast!

Now we're heading out for dinner - you guessed it "fish". The Ausies have an amazing fish called Barramundi - it's good eatin! Can't wait.

Here's today's pics...

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 9, 2008 4:50 AM

Kevin Jones

Re: Great Barrier Reef

April 9 2008, 5:27 AM 

Those are the pics I've been waitin' for. I used to be a diver before I started having equalization problems. Rick, you and Nancy are lucky dogs! What a joy to visit the Great Barrier Reef. Thanks for those pics! THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!


Re: Great Barrier Reef

April 9 2008, 5:32 AM 


Sometime Between now and a thousand years i will plan to build my home under ground, surrounded by an aquarium. I've always enjoyed the therapeutic veiwing of fish in their "not-a-care-in-the-world" invironment.

My kitchen will be upstairs upstairs overlooking a RIver. Hopefully the pishon, gihon, hiddekel.

Looks like fun Rick! Be safe.

The Mask Man

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Fred Geyen

Re: Great Barrier Reef

April 9 2008, 8:51 AM 

Rick when are you selling Florida and moving? Only 20 mil people in the whole country they could use one more Mate. Get the Surf board our for the Gold Coast.

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Current Topic - Great Barrier Reef
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