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We are in the Gold Coast and the Expo is about to get underway

April 10 2008 at 9:04 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Nancy and I arrived in the Gold Coast today. By the way, this is the REAL reason that why I'm here. The few days of sight seeing during the past few days were a pleasure. But the purpose for being down here is the Aussie Carpet Expo. The Expo officially kicks off tomorrow.

It should be an excellent venue. Steve Toburen has been here for the past few days teaching some classes. I will be doing a presentation tomorrow and on Saturday. Dusty Roberts is here from America too. In fact I ran into Dusty at the expo hall earlier this evening.

John Turner has done an excellent job of lining up what looks to be an excellent program. I'm grateful for his invitation to come down here to share information on encapsulation and commercial carpet care. And while I'm saying thanks, Gary Bethel, our Releasit rep for Australia has been toooooo kind in helping us plan a wonderful visit to Australia.

The Carpet Expo is the place to be. The Gold Coast is a terrific place for a trade show. And this show should turn out to be a great one. I'm looking forward to it. After all, that's why I'm here... (I've gotta keep reminding myself that).

I'm looking forward to meeting as many of the Aussie cleaners as I can during the next couple of days. All the Aussie cleaners that I've met so far are a bunch of super friendly guys. I'm planning to cover some interesting info with the participants, at least I'm going to give it my best shot.

Rick Gelinas

george mavridis

Re: We are in the Gold Coast and the Expo is about to get underway

April 10 2008, 3:58 PM 

Rick & Nancy

Welcome to the Gold Coast. I am really looking forward to meeting you. See you later today.


David Gelinas

Re: We are in the Gold Coast and the Expo is about to get underway

April 11 2008, 8:13 PM 

George, don’t you be telling Rick all that stuff I said about him at WOC. Take good care of my big brother and his wife while they’re down there for me now – OK?

David Gelinas

george mavridis

You're safe

April 12 2008, 4:14 PM 


Your secrets are safe with me. I now have to respect Rick's wishes and not tell you what he's told me about


Current Topic - We are in the Gold Coast and the Expo is about to get underway
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