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Credit cards

April 16 2008 at 5:15 PM

I went to the toilet at the airport in Bizbayne yesterday, had no coin in the pocket thanks to the free loaders at a recent event where (apparently), I ended up buying all the beers.

Anyhow, I had to use my VISA card, how embarrassing

It got rejected !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even more embarrassing !!!!!!!!

(Thank Ralph for cleaning closets)

It seems that (again, apparently), I have purchased a fair amount of equipment from AL - A - BAM - A over this past week.

Can anyone help me as to what have bought ??

David ??

Ramboo ??

When does my NOO CIMEX arrive ???

Seriously, we all had a great time down under.

Great to meet up with Nancy & Rick in Cairns, and again on the Cold Ghost, these are two really warm people.

They say you can't teach old dogs new tricks, but I seen a lot of new tricks, all I have to do is remember them.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Credit cards

April 16 2008, 9:02 PM 

Shorty, what exactly did you buy from Alabama? You can e-mail me at if you don't want to post it, BTW it is always fun to get new toys.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Apr 16, 2008 9:03 PM


Rick Gelinas


April 18 2008, 12:45 PM 

You didn't fall for buying one of Marty's breeder pigs did you?

Hey it was awesome to see you and your lovely Delia again. That woman needs glasses, because she's much more pleasing to the eye than you are. Of course, I'm sure the same could be said of me too.

I had fun hanging out with you guys! Nancy and I are missing Australia already. Thanks again for meeting us at the airport in Cairns!!!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 18, 2008 9:34 PM


Wallet problems

April 18 2008, 4:33 PM 

Just razzin a couple of you fellas.

I read a post where someone said Rick was chargin' a few orders to MY visa card while he was down under.

I really don't mind that, 'cos I got the NEW HRUBY OP & it was charged to RAMBO'S account, on account of there was no cash left in mine.

Delia, being the good wife that she is has just brought me in a mug of coffee, so that means brekki isn't to far away.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Wallet problems

April 19 2008, 7:52 AM 

So that's why there is a $2000.00 hole in my account! Shorty , what is brekki? You are still my favorite poster.


Crikey, some of yews blokes ???????????

April 19 2008, 3:16 PM 

Marty is gonna love this !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brekki is breakfast, everyone down under knows that.

Where have you been living ??

Here you go, this may help some of you blokes out for next time you meet a strange person from down under, (leaving myself wide open there ).

Gotta go, it's 05:15 Sunday morning, gotta get Dusty & his son Daytona, from Rugbadger to the airport.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Crikey, some of yews blokes ???????????

April 19 2008, 11:48 PM 

Yep brekki is breakfast.

And footy is football.

Footy is a sport that the whole Aussie family enjoys. It's kind of like American football, but there are a couple of differences. Footy is not played with overweight middle aged guys. It's played by young guys who run and run and run for an entire game and smash into each other with out wearing pads or helmets. And the ladies seem to enjoy watching the players in their shorts. When we were in Gold Coast there was a huge screen in a public square surrounded by pubs and restaurants. All the Aussies were watching it like it was the Superbowl, but it was just Friday night Footy. In Oz they take their Footy seriously!

Rick Gelinas


You can lead a horse to water.................

April 20 2008, 1:06 AM 

RICK !!!!!

Tsk, tsk, tsk...........

That's not football mate........

That's aerial ping pong

Okay, for the Mexicans south of the Queensland border, it's called Aussie Rules.

But a much harder game is Rugby League, Rugby Union & Soccer.


All four are listed as football, but us realists know the difference

Bewdy mate, good to see ya catchin' the lingo, eh?


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Apr 20, 2008 1:11 AM
This message has been edited by Shortwun on Apr 20, 2008 1:07 AM

Tony Wheelwright

Re: You can lead a horse to water.................

April 20 2008, 10:12 PM 

Go Springboks, go !

Current Topic - Credit cards
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