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We're back from our trip to Australia :-)

April 18 2008 at 1:53 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Well we’ve returned to the US, safe and sound. Sad to leave Australia behind. Nancy and I had such an AWESOME time in Oz! We got to meet a bunch of Aussie carpet cleaners and we thoroughly enjoyed the paradise they get to call home. It was an unforgettable trip. If any of you can make it to next year’s Carpet Expo (it will be in Melbourne next year), you really should try to get there!

Thanks again to Gary and Marilyn Bethel and Jim too for helping us enjoy ourselves in Australia! You showed us the warmest hospitality we could ever imagine. And thanks again to Shorty for your warm welcome in Cairns.

Here's a recap showing a little of what we experienced Down Under…

Pictures in and around Sydney:

Pictures of Cairns and the train ride to Kurunda:

The drive to Port Douglas and Four Mile Beach:

Photos of the Great Barrier Reef:

The Carpet Expo in Gold Coast Australia:

A day in Noosa Australia - and a big thanks to Jim Bethel for his 4 wheel drive:

Rick Gelinas

Ades Gros

Re: We're back from our trip to Australia :-)

April 18 2008, 7:37 PM 

Glad you'll are back home, i know you had a great trip. Those are some great picturs you took. Its a beautiful place

Carpet Cleaning Wilson North Carolina

Joe Desmond

Re: We're back from our trip to Australia :-)

April 19 2008, 12:11 AM 

Welcome back. Those pictures you were posting were great. Looks like paradise!

Current Topic - We're back from our trip to Australia :-)
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