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Bidding on 300,000 sq/ft

April 18 2008 at 2:59 PM

We have been asked to bid on a 300,000 sq/ft facility, they have been maintaining it themselves and are frustrated with the equipment and keeping trained personnel.

They are ready to look at other options and have asked up to come up with a bid.

What equipment would you use and what kind of productions rates can I expect?

We have 3-Cimex's already and thought about adding an OP machine or two or three?

I'll get more info at the end of the month we have a meeting scheduled to see what their needs are.


Re: Bidding on 300,000 sq/ft

April 18 2008, 3:37 PM 

I would use a few machines for a demo if you plan to do one, put on a dog and pony show as it were. Make sure you cover over the name of the machines you are using and the chemicals also. I would do a two step process or possibly 3

I would make it look a bit more difficult then it is or the prospect could just go out buy a Cimex or other machine and do it them self. Lets face it Encap can be done by anyone old enough to push the machine.

Now if you are just giving a quote you can get 5k a hour they say out of a Cimex I can get that with open area with my 320 speed rotary.

with out looking at the condition of the carpeting I would plan on extracting some areas also and possibly padding some if they are really nasty

Joe Desmond

Re: Bidding on 300,000 sq/ft

April 19 2008, 12:04 AM 

I agree with everything David said except the 5k per hour. Maybe it's just me but I have never come close to that.With the Cimex I get 1500 to 2000 per Hr.I don't have a 320 rotary though so he knows better then me on that one.

This message has been edited by RAEDAN on Apr 19, 2008 12:08 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Bidding on 300,000 sq/ft

April 19 2008, 12:41 AM 

You're looking at 50 hours of Cimex time (running your 3 Cimex machines). In addition to the 3 Cimex operators, you'll need 2 or 3 extra helpers to keep the machines moving - i.e. getting water, relieving operators, etc. You should be able to knock out the entire job with your 3 Cimex machines in a couple of weekends. Obviously, if you had more Cimex machines you could get it done even quicker.

As far as pricing this job, I'd expect that it would come in at about $18,000 - or a little more, depending on what part of the country you're in. You'll use about 8 cases of DS and about about 10 cases of FiberPlus pads. Your total product cost will be about $1300. And your total labor cost for 6 techs at $15 per hour comes to $4500. So your total outlay will be approximately $5800, leaving you a net of $12,200. Your profits could be even higher if you charge more than 6 cents a foot, use 5 techs instead of 6, or pay less than $15 per hour. But I wouldn't advise paying less because you'll want to make your techs happy too.

All in all $12,000 is not a bad profit for a couple of weekends of work with equipment that you already own. Let me know if I can assist you in any way.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Bidding on 300,000 sq/ft

April 19 2008, 3:53 AM 

Just curious,

Is the time it will take to finish the job (50 hrs.) based on all open floor Riok? Or does it include offices, cubicles, or what have you?

The Mask Man

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

george mavridis


April 19 2008, 5:15 AM 

I know Rick & Nancy have been "Australianised" somewhat, but we never called him Riok !!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Riok??

April 19 2008, 8:02 AM 

Alex, I ran the numbers based on the total square footage that he gave us. If there is less square footage, then he should adjust the numbers accordingly. By the way, this size of an account would be a perfect candidate for the "Perpetual Clean" program, that's in the CMS Marketing program.

Yours truly,

P.S. George, being "Australianised" is a rare and wonderful privilege.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Riok??

April 19 2008, 9:15 AM 

Thanks guys!

Yes Rick, Mark will be in touch with you about additional machines and chem's if we get the account.

They are wanting year round maintenance not just a one time cleaning. I'll give more of the particulars as I get them.

This message has been edited by RCTPKS on Apr 19, 2008 9:16 AM

Current Topic - Bidding on 300,000 sq/ft
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS