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Dust in the air

April 19 2008 at 6:25 PM

Dusty's ( Steve (Dusty) Roberts, of Rugbadger infamy ), flight departed Cairns at 06:55 this morning heading to Sydney.

Since here they've had:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Lunch at the Cock & Bull English Pub Tavern, & a couple of pints of Newcastle Bitter.

Dusty did not feel adventurous and stuck with the barb wire, XXXX Gold.

Across to a mates place for a couple of coldies.

While here, they went on Skyrail to Kuranda and back via the train.

Dinner that night at The Red Ochre Grill.

Feasted on croc; emu, roo; & other fine foods.

With refreshments also, not keen on that stuff from the island down south.

A trip up the beaches next day, unfortunately it started to rain as we pulled into Clifton Beach.

We didn't get out of the car.

Next day we see in the local rag where a dog escaped the jaws of a 2 metre salty (croc;) as it drank from a fresh water pool at Clifton Beach.

Dog had puncture marks around the snout and bleeding profusely.

One lucky dog.

Yesterday, Dusty & Daytona went to Fitzroy Island for the day.

Pretty buggered by the time they got back.

So we had a quiet night at Brothers Leagues Club for the buffet (& a couple more coldies)

They're in steak & kidney ( Sydney ), today & head home to Canadia tomorrow.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Dust in the air

April 19 2008, 9:08 PM 

Sounds like Dusty and Daytona had a good time. Of course, I think it's next to impossible NOT to have a good time in Australia. That must be the reason why most everyone we met seemed so utterly happy and agreeable. Thanks for the update on Dusty's trip around Oz. Few here could even imagine how incrdible that itinerary truly is. We can't wait to come back

Cheers mate!

Rick Gelinas

george mavridis

next time

April 19 2008, 9:48 PM 


next time you come over you have to bring Dave. Then we can have a drag race for cimexes 400rpm vs 800rpm


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