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Best Price for commercial carpet per sqft?

April 24 2008 at 1:47 PM

I am giving my last account a discount because it cost me less to do the job and I also found out that there are other people out there only charging 8 to 10 cents per sqft. I now charge them 13 cents. I was charging them 16 with hwe. I am trying to get all the accounts because there are 11 clinics. I am wondering what ideas and prices people have about trying to get these other accounts when someone else is charging so little. I am going to try to find out what type of cleaning they do. I think it is probably bonnet. That's what most people charge when prices are so low. By the way i went back and the carpet look great and they all where very happy. I have 2 people that want their homes done. There where some dark spots on the carpet but it is from wear and the carpet pile is worn down. that's good!!!


Re: Best Price for commercial carpet per sqft?

April 24 2008, 3:02 PM 

One thing you have that gives you an edge is that you have the highest quality cleaning solution (encap) known to mankind. So your cleaning is gonna out shine the others if they don't use the same thing. The second thing is you have the worlds best carpet scrubber that scrubs all sides of the fibers which leaves the carpet nice bright conddition.

In addition to that you can also do some bonnet cleaning with the MEXmerizer, just tell the shipping dept. to throw you sonme 8" tu-way bonnets in the box the next time you order your DS. You will be able to extract EVEN MORE soil out of the carpet after scrubbing with fiber plus pads.

So now you stand out from your competition by means of the results that your customer gets from you. Which means you win the rest of the clinics!!!

The Mask Man

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: Best Price for commercial carpet per sqft?

April 24 2008, 3:30 PM 

One thing i noticed was the carpet makes a squeaking sound like its really clean but i know the dirt is still there until its vacuumed out. what's the sound from. It didn't do it before with hwe? the carpet does look a lot brighter. If i do bonnet cleaning with that take a lot more time?


Traffic areas........

April 24 2008, 4:00 PM where you can choose to sacrifice a portion of your time to extract with bonnets. Just simply pull off the fb pads and stick on the 8" bonnets.

Its been worth the time for me. Especially when i was trying to win over a client. Keep up the good work! And i'll tell you what one wise young man told me on this board: "Never go on a job without your digital camera". Before & Afters are valueable!

The Mask Man

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: Traffic areas........

April 24 2008, 4:33 PM 

I took pictures but they didn't come out to well. I will try to up load them. how do i up load them.


Re: Traffic areas........

April 24 2008, 4:48 PM 

see if this works. sorry the picturs are not the best my brother took them. You can see how dirty the carpet is. They look alot brighter once cleaned.


Re: Traffic areas........

April 24 2008, 4:49 PM 

how do you upload pictures i tried the photobucket and it didnt work.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Traffic areas........

April 24 2008, 5:05 PM 

The national average for good sized commercial accounts is10 cents a square foot. Slide up from there, or possibly slightly under that amount depending on the size, frequency of cleaning, multiple locations, ease of cleaning, etc.

Here are instructions for posting pictures:
Posting photos is easy, just follow these steps...

Rick Gelinas

george mavridis

Re: Traffic areas........

April 24 2008, 7:44 PM 

My way of thinking is this

If you invest time and money to get a system that allows you to clean better and faster then it should be of benefit to YOU not the customer. What I mean is that if you are currently using HWE and then go with Encap and yoy save time, you should not lower your price because you can now do it quicker.



Re: Traffic areas........

April 25 2008, 3:46 PM 

I agree with George. The just as we don't sell a cleaning system the customer is not buying a cleaning system. You are selling clean carpet and that is what the customer is buying. Charge accordingly.

This message has been edited by DionR on Apr 25, 2008 3:46 PM


Re: Traffic areas........

April 25 2008, 8:09 PM 

I agree with both of you but there are a lot of people that would rather pay .10 a foot not .16 a foot. Even if you show them how much better you can clean their carpets. Thats the way i going with it i am going to try to get in to give them a demo and show them how much better their carpet could look and they stay cleaner longer. This could be a double edge sword because they might stay clean longer but that's why i can charge them more right! What does everyone think a good price per sqft is. I am charging around 15 to 16 cents a sqft.

Current Topic - Best Price for commercial carpet per sqft?
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