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Releasit for everything

April 26 2008 at 8:06 AM

I have a customer who uses Releasit for all his cleaning.

Cimex, pre spraying of carpet for HWE, pre spray for upholstery HWE, bonnet, OP, pre spray for auto detailing.etc.... you name it. This is all he uses now.

Any thoughts on this?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releasit for everything

April 26 2008, 8:34 AM 


You are referring to Encap-Clean right? Yes, we have found that too. In fact, there are a number of cleaners who use Encap-Clean (or ENcap-Clean DS) to clean just about everything. And they use Encap-Punch when they need a good encap pre-spray, rinse detergent, or bonnet cleaner.

While we were in Australia we heard AMAZING experiences from guys who are doing incredible things with Releasit! I actually left Australia more excited than ever about the product line that we've developed.

To answer your question. Yes, Encap-Clean covers an extremely wide range of soil conditions and cleaning applications! And that makes it simple to have one encap cleaning solution that can cover A-Z, along with a potent encap pre-spray that mates up with the first product, and an encap multi-spotter that can eliminate just about anything - from common stains to urine. Simple is good!

Rick Gelinas


ENcap-Clean DS

April 26 2008, 9:39 AM 

Yes I'm talking about ENcap-Clean DS for everything. It is our best kept secret. Guys around here dont want enybody else to know about. Even I won't post up some of the problems it has solved for me


Kevin Pearson

Re: ENcap-Clean DS

April 27 2008, 9:57 AM 

I couldn't agree more. We use it on oriental rugs, carpet, use it as a spot remover, clean upholstery with it, etc. It is a very good product that gets up a wide variety of spots.

Kevin Pearson



April 27 2008, 10:08 AM 

might not be the safest on the lungs for spraying (the way i use it)


Rick Gelinas

Re: spray/mist

April 27 2008, 5:06 PM 

Encap-Clean contains no hazardous ingredients Ken. In fact the only thing hazardous enough to even be listed on an MSDS sheet is Isopropyl Alcohol. However the Laurel Sulfate in Encap-Clean can make you cough, the same way that hair shampoo will burn your eyes. Quite simply, Laurel Sulfate is an irritant to mucous membranes. Laurel Sulfate is an irritant to eyes and throat, there's no way around that. Yet it isn't toxic. No more than your hair shampoo is toxic. The trick is to use a COARSE TIP sprayer so that you're not atomizing the detergent into fine droplets. If you will use an 06 spray tip or larger, you will have no issue with coughing.

Rick Gelinas



April 27 2008, 6:10 PM 

Well in that case I'll be calling Lorne for another 10 cases

Current Topic - Releasit for everything
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS