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OPing commercial carpet - Best Encap?

May 5 2008 at 5:31 PM

There are so many to choose from and I'm not a chemist so what is the best encap agent for commercial carpet for OP.


Rick Gelinas

Re: OPing commercial carpet - Best Encap?

May 5 2008, 6:42 PM 

There are a number of good detergents on the market. Encap-Punch is a killer OP product with plenty of cleaning power, and it encapsulates beautifully too. Encap-Punch has the CRI seal of approval. And it can be used as a pre-spray or HWE rinse detergent, in addition to using it as a bonnet/OP cleaner.

The cool thing about Encap-Punch is not just how well it cleans, but the fact that it is a true crystallizing encapsulator. With bonnet/OP cleaning, or with HWE cleaning, you're always going to leave some detergent residue behind in the carpet. With Encap-Punch, the residue left in the carpet is an encap residue that will continue to vacuum out of the carpet after the cleaning. So you're adding a secondary cleaning method (Encap) to your OP method. And the encap residue WON'T ATTRACT MORE SOIL like a traditional detergent can. Encap-Punch also has the built-in Soileze protector too.

Plus Encap-Punch is our May Special, so you can save a few bucks this month

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 5, 2008 6:45 PM

Joe Desmond

Re: OPing commercial carpet - Best Encap?

May 5 2008, 10:11 PM 

I have used Punch with a rotary and OP and it works great.Also with my iCapsol.


Re: OPing commercial carpet - Best Encap?

May 5 2008, 10:46 PM 

OK, so this brings up the point I was trying to make in a previous post. Crystal Dry has a "punch" that you add to the "regular" encapsulant. Encap-Punch here seems to be able to be used by itself, and apparantly does not need to be rinsed out - correct???

So, if this is the case, why use Releasit DS at all? Why not just use the Punch for everything?



Rick Gelinas

Comparing Encap-Punch and Encap-Clean

May 6 2008, 6:49 AM 

They are two completely different formulations.

Encap-Punch is a low foamer. It's designed on a pre-spray architecture so it has more solvents and is a more intense soil loosener. But keep in mind it's a low foamer. So it is perfect for using as a pre-spray, a HWE detergent, and a bonnet/pad cleaner - where you need more solvency and lower foam. And of course, it's a great encapsulator too!

Encap-Clean is a medium foamer. It has strong cleaning properties too, but it doesn't contain the solvents that Punch has. Since it has light foaming property it is used in shampoo methods. That is what its detergent formulation was designed for. The light foaming properties of Encap-Clean give you a visible cue showing exactly how much solution you're applying to the carpet. This helps you to avoid over wetting the carpet. And the formula works PERFECTLY in the shampoo/scrub mode.

Each product has a unique application. They were each designed intentionally with specific properties for their intended usage. Two products that can cover everything from soup to nuts is a remarkably simple approach. It means that you no longer need to have a dozen products on your truck, just two. And since these are crystallizing encap products with a built-in protector, you'll be leaving your customer's carpets in the most soil-resistant state possible, far more than traditional chems.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - OPing commercial carpet - Best Encap?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS