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May 6 2008 at 5:14 PM

OK, so one of the other products we use consists entirely of all-natural ingredients. "Green" is the word I would use, but that word gets abused, so let's just say people like the fact of all-natural ingredients with no odor, etc.

How does Releasit compare to this? What if a nursing home says "we have residents with high sensitivities, and we cannot have a chemical smell, or anything on the carpet that may cause a reaction to their skin".

What's your take on that? Thanks...


Rick Gelinas

Re: Ingredients

May 6 2008, 6:14 PM 

Releasit is exceptionally enviro friendly! Even more than some products that are "Green Seal" approved.

Perhaps this new site will help to quell your client's apprehensions about "Green". Take a peek...

Rick Gelinas

Grant D


May 8 2008, 4:07 PM 

Pretty site there Rick G.

This post reminds me... Is that new Green encap you were working on any closer to release?


Rick Gelinas


May 8 2008, 10:16 PM 

Hi Grant,

The greenest product that we presently have is Encap-Clean.

There isn't anything about it that isn't green.

As we've looked at he whole "green" thing we've observed that there is a tremendous amount of misinformation floating around. And there are a number of companies that have "green" certification that are not necessarily good for the environment, the building occupants or the technician.

So we're focusing on developing products that are HONESTLY safer for the environment. Cleaning with Encap-CLean makes a minimal impact on the environment, by using just 1 gallon of water to clean 300 square feet of carpet, by not producing contaminated waste water discharge, and by not using any hazardous ingredients!

The Enviro-Pact project is intended to help educate clients (your clients) to the environmental benefits of cleaning with Releasit Encap-Clean. We're also planning to evaluate and feature other truly environmentally responsible cleaning products and methods, as the project moves forward.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 8, 2008 10:20 PM

Current Topic - Ingredients
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS