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Cimex Package Downunder

May 8 2008 at 6:10 AM
Geoff Alger  

G'day Rick & co

It was good to meet you at Clean Expo recently. Does anyone in Australia offer a similar package to your one below? Our prices start at about $5500 for the basic Cimex, drive blocks, pads or brushes need to be purchased separately.  

Cheers & beers


Save $850 with our special pricing!
▪ 19" Cimex Cyclone CR-48 CM List Price $2995
(with Pad Drivers or Brushes)
▪ Releasit Encap-Clean DS $37.50
(1 gallon)
▪ FiberPlus 8" Pads $30
(case of 15)
▪ CMS Commercial Marketing Package $149
▪ Average shipping/freight $175
Special Limited Time Offer
You Pay Just: $2629
Save: $757.50Save $850 with our special pricing!

▪ 19" Cimex Cyclone CR-48 CM List Price $2995
(with Pad Drivers or Brushes)
▪ Releasit Encap-Clean DS $37.50
(1 gallon)
▪ FiberPlus 8" Pads $30
(case of 15)
▪ CMS Commercial Marketing Package $149
▪ Average shipping/freight $175
Special Limited Time Offer
You Pay Just: $2629
Save: $757.50


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex Package Downunder

May 8 2008, 6:21 AM 

Hie Geoff,

It was great to meet you at the Expo!

As you know all the equipment and chems are more expensive in Oz. A lot more expensive! The absolute BEST people to do business with in Australia are the folks at Powerclean. They will come out and demo it for you. And they will provide you with the best of the best (i.e. Releasit products). And yes, it costs what it does in Australai. I wish there was an alternative. But the costs associated with doing business in Australia are what control the prices. And we are NOT permitted to sell Cimex machines from the US into Australia. I wish we could help you, but our hands are tied. Contact Powerclean and let the good folks there do their best to provide you with the best.

Thanks for your inquiry. It was awesome to met you Down Under.

Rick Gelinas


I feel for ya mate.

May 8 2008, 7:27 AM 

Geoff, it is very expensive to purchase equipment from overseas from a dealer in Australia.

It took me a long time to get my head around why this is so.

We all know that freight, customs, GST, etc; play a big role, but how many of us also look at the other side of the coin ?

If you want to buy an imported machine from an Australian supplier, bear in mind that this supplier/importer also has costs that most of us are unaware of to any great degree.

For instance, the same way the automobile industry has Australian Design rules and standards that are very strict and must be adhered to, so does a lot of the imported equipment that we buy.

The importer must pay for this certification or he cannot sell it.

The Australian supplier also warrants the equipment we buy, so our arze is covered there.

Then there is the old age fact of supply and demand.

Our demand for equipment pales into the distance when we compare it to the demand in America.

Some have circumvented some of the above buy buying direct from a U.S. supplier, however, they do this at the risk of no warranty or little back-up.

IF, they do get pulled over by whoever can check their equipment, and it does not comply, who pays ?

Sure, the Yanks may get their gear cheap, but look at how much they charge per square foot, compared to us, and then also look at how many are out cleaning windows and such when they cannot clean carpets due to extremes in weather.

Some don't turn a wheel for 3 months.

But if you still think we are hard done by, have a look on any Pommie web site and see how much equipment costs them to buy from the 'states.

A familiar catch cry is to buy Aussie made, but we all know how well our machines stack up compared to the big boys from over there.

At least if we do support our suppliers, some money is staying in Australia and keeping Australians employed in local jobs.

I'm sure Gary Bethel and others can explain this a lot better than me, as well as including a lot of missed information that I have either forgotten or am unaware of.

One thing I do know is that if you purchase some machines etc; from overseas, or a person/company, that is not an authorised agent, don't go crying to the agent, when something goes wrong, or you want something that cannot be supplied from where you bought it, as the agent is not compelled to do anything for you at all.

Remember, Let The Buyer Beware.



PS ::: Did I mention advertising ?? The Yanks also have several magazines and forums where they can advertise anything they want to flog.

The distance between towns/cities etc; in Australia is vast with small numbers of carpet cleaners in between.

To advertise to these cleaners can be a very costly exercise that the importer also must bear.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on May 8, 2008 7:30 AM

Geoff Alger

Re: I feel for ya mate.

May 9 2008, 4:10 AM 

Thanks Guys

I am/was in the market for a new TM but the way oil prices are heading has made me rethink my options.

There is an untapped market for hard surface cleaning where I live and my existing TM isn't suitable for what I wanted to do.

I am encapping approximately 80% of work these days so a new Cimex  is probably the way to go, concentrate on that, and leave the hard surface cleaning for now.

Cheers & Beers


This message has been edited by AussieGeoff on May 10, 2008 5:52 AM


Re: I feel for ya mate.

May 10 2008, 12:00 AM 


I agree that import costs are added to equipment sold in Australia

but what about locally made extractors?

Like Powerclean Dirt Invader that is priced at $7250 and is only 500psi- ridiculous

Or the Razorback 1600psi from Carpet cleaners warehouse at $9070

Tell me how such a high prices can be justified? Its a bloody rip-off!

You talking about supporting local manufactures and jobs? yeah right,

if only they knew how to reasonably price their products. And that applies to

everything made in Australia. This country has gone crazy

I'm not supporting crooks and ripoffs

Much better looking equipment can be bought in US between $2500-$3500 plus

shipment it still will be way below aussie prices.

And look how bad/outdated the abovementioned extractors look, they look like they were made in

'60s or as if they come from Doctor Who classic series, pathetic

There is no way I'll be buying any equipment here in Oz, I couldn't swallow

the fact that I've been ripped off.

I rather do something else or travel to US to buy and send it downunder.

Heath Menefy

Re: I feel for ya mate.

May 17 2008, 11:24 PM 

Robert I agree that things are expensive although we can't say what the suppliers overheads are. It's hard to imagine these guys selling dozens of units a day, and costs are getting higher by the week.
I'd love to buy stuff direct from the States as well, although some US suppliers have signed supply agreements with Aussie middle men that encompass New Zealand (where I am) and forces us to buy from Aussie. You can imagine the compounding costs by this point...
I'm reasonably sure my next TM will be from the States though.

Current Topic - Cimex Package Downunder
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS