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From damaged rugs to disgustingly rich

May 9 2008 at 7:43 PM

IF YOU WANT TO GET AHEAD OF THE MOB........................... DON'T MISS THIS

This is just a quick reminder about the fire
interview Howard Partridge is doing with Dusty on

Saturday, May 10, at 10am Central time

If your business has never been through a fire before
(and I hope it never happens to you) then you have no
idea the staggering mountain of problems you'll face.

Even though Dusty was as prepared as anyone could be,
the list of traps, problems and bureaucratic nightmares
seemed endless.

But just imagine if you let your insurance lapse for
even one day.

That's exactly what happened to Dusty's neighbor, Denis Hedji.
He said after the fire:

"Oh, my God, have I ever been affected. I'm a family man
with four kids under eight. I didn't have insurance because
I thought I'll stretch it a couple of months."

He's suffered a devastating loss between 25-30 thousand dollars.

It's hard enough to rebuild a company after a fire when you
actually do have coverage but it's 1000 times harder when you don't.

So that's why Dusty is determined to help Denis get back on his feet.

You can hear all about his plan to help Denis and, of course, all the grim details
of what you can expect to experience after a fire.

Just go to this link right now:

You can call in or listen live on the internet.

Helping you get more out of rugs,

Number One

P.S. It doesn’t matter what size or kind of business you have. Whether you clean carpets or clean area rugs
or sell ice cream, you need to be on this call.

P.P.S. Remember the teleseminar is on Saturday morning, May 10,
at 8am PST, 9am MST, 10am CST, 11am EST & 12pm AST

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - From damaged rugs to disgustingly rich
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