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May 27 2008 at 9:08 PM

Joe DeSouza 

Hey Rick, one question - at encapfest you mentioned calling on 5-10 companies per question is, that after making the initial phone call or meeting the mgr. in person, how long should I wait to follow up with them (if they dont need you now); And HOW would you follow up, with another phone call, or postcards, etc.?




Rick Gelinas

Re: Farming

May 27 2008, 10:48 PM 

In most cases you'll want to make a return visit within the month. Two to four weeks between calls is what I've found works best. Don't let the trail get cold before they hear from you again. On the same hand, don't wear out your welcome. If you're in a holding pattern with them and they're not ready to make a decision, back off a bit and wait a couple of extra weeks. If there's little interest at the time, you might go as long as six to eight weeks before following up. In the end it's up to you to get the feel for the individual prospect and make the call on how much attention to give them - all prospects are going to be different. But the bottom line is that you want to demonstrate the fact that you're exceedingly interested in HELPING them to solve their commercial carpet cleaning problems. Then when it comes time to scratch that itch, they'll invariably call on you to at least hear what you've got to say. Bottom line: persistence pays. Go for it!

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Farming

May 28 2008, 7:24 AM 

Wow from the title I thought you needed a hand harvesting your crops.


Joe DeSouza

Re: Farming

May 28 2008, 9:12 AM 

Thanks, Rick! I've let some contacts slip thru the cracks, just contacting them once and never calling back...I want to re-establish with them and gently work into a good professional relationship...


Don Eldred

Re: Farming

May 28 2008, 10:20 AM 

If you feel you are imposing on them just send a hand written post card every once in a while, keep your name in front of them.

Current Topic - Farming
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