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left over solution

May 29 2008 at 11:06 AM

Hey everyone just have a quick question. I did a job a few days ago and i was left with about 2 inches of solutions left in the bottom of the holding tank on my cimex. I was just wondering if after a few days of sitting in there would it thicken and clog the sprayer hose or anything like that. Basically what do you do with the left over solution?
Thanks everyone


Re: left over solution

May 29 2008, 1:15 PM 

I am the foremost expert to handle this question- we've left our Cimex in that condition for one day, to as much as 4 months with no problems. (We're not really big on maintenance when it comes to the Cimex) I'm sure others would call me a HACK, but I've got a thick skin.

Of course, if you have a problem later, don't blame me...

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Oh my gawd................

May 29 2008, 4:37 PM 

How can you possibly NOT use your Mex; for four days, let alone several months ???

Sure when I first started, I was worried pretty much about the same thing.

Would it be okay the next day ???

After about four years of leaving the left over juice in there, then topping up on the next job, I've never had a problem.

Oops, excuse me,

I DID use another product once, I may have to cross A bridge to make A point here, and I ended up with a clogged filter.

I removed the filter with my skinny arms, stopped using said product, and have not had a problem since.

Filter has never gone back in.

Go for it mate, try using your Mex; on different jobs instead of your usual machine, and you will be surprised at it's versatility, I was and still am.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: Oh my gawd................

May 29 2008, 6:19 PM 

We're primarily a HWE firm, and do a little encap here and there. The lion's share of our work is resi, so there are stretches where the Cimex doesn't get used frequently.

I'm trying to get more, but Derek snaps it all up so fast around here.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning

This message has been edited by KevinKluth on May 29, 2008 6:19 PM


Re: Oh my gawd................

May 29 2008, 7:52 PM 

I tried to reach the filter , but my heavily muscled arm would not fit into the tank.

John Middleton

Not a problem here either

May 30 2008, 8:00 PM 

I'm not in a really cold climate, maybe 6-8 frost a year but I've never had a problem with it in 2+ years of my Comix and a year of my Brute.

I've had a 208 litre (44 gallon?) drum on order from Rick since early March and so about a month ago I totally ran out of EncapClean DS. Because of this delema, I got my arm twisted into buying a Cleantec Revive bottle a couple of weeks ago. We had a cool morning on Wednesday, but not a frost, and I got it out on the first job and it's SOLID. Obviously can't get cold. Useless. Supposedly a better product than the ProCaps I was using as a fill in but I cna't even try that now.

I finally got my drum this Wednesday just in time for a large annual account where we clean 200+ mattresses and up to 30000 sq foot of carpet. The majority of areas are encapped with out Cimex and Brute. 2 large areas of Flotex are also VLM cleaned with a Rotowash R35. 14 hours, 4 techs, 2x TM's, 1x Cimex and 1x Brute. This year we did about 25-26000 sq foot as they dropped out the offices.

I'd forgotten the quality of the Releasit products. It was amazing how much extra I was having to spot clean with the other products that yesterday was taken straight out with the cleaning process.

This was an account that was being maintained poorly with HWE. Some areas like the disability home stay section is totally HWEd.

Thanks Rick for the order that finally arrived. I'd have never guessed that it would have taken 10+ weeks. Did they put it in a small ship and paddle across?


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand

This message has been edited by CarpetPro on May 30, 2008 8:02 PM


Del Scrivner

Re: Not a problem here either

June 1 2008, 6:09 PM 

Absolute worst case scenario.  You let it sit too long and dry all the way up.  The DS will crystalize in the bottom of the Cimex tank. 

Put the extension hose on your vacuum and suck it out- WALA.

Mix a fresh batch and you are in business again- no worries.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - left over solution
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS