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8000 sq.ft.of hallways

June 3 2008 at 1:57 PM
Mask Man 

I did a free inspection and demo and presentation for a three level apartment building. The hallways are covered but still outside.

Using the Cms the director of the building was highly impressed and thoroughly convinced that i was her man to solve her carpet problems. She just opened up and started expressing all her desires and concerns, recurring stains being primary. She was intersted in the perpetual clean.

When i saw this I felt that I would win over the other two bids. I went home email her the proposal which was .17 s.f.
(Other bids were $800 and $2000.) I then called her just for her to tell me she will summit it to her boss at the main office 300 miles away. Turns out this is one of the biggest p/mgt. companies in the state, dealing in the high end.

It was a good experience but i just wonder if p/mgt. are a waste of time. If not i need to figure out what is the catch.

Man it is a sweet acount to have. Outside yet covered. I'll drop a post card in the mail today.

The Mask Man

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

This message has been edited by theservant on Jun 3, 2008 2:32 PM



8000 sq ft

June 3 2008, 2:24 PM 

If you can knock out 2000 sq ft an hour that's not a bad hourly price $340. Bring in a second machine and double your hourly rate. I hate it when a guy at the other end has to make a decision and he hasn't seen your quality test demo and bases the cleaning on price only.

Thomas Owens

Re: 8000 sq ft

June 3 2008, 2:59 PM 

I'm looking into dealing directly with property managers here. They aren't very far away since the island is so small.

Seems like most commercial buildings here are run by property managers. Residential on the other hand seem to let the in house manager run things (sometimes run into the ground!) most of the time (of course with permission from the board of directors).

It would make a lot of sense to make friends with the property managers, as they could give you a ton of work. I had a few that used my general cleaning services a lot when I was doing complete move-out type jobs.

Give them some incentives as well, such as a referral reward (bribe?) for every new account they give you. I'm planning on offering 10% of the first time charge as a reward for every new account someone refers me to.

These guys might have decision making power, but they aren't that rich. Money is a nice little incentive.

Current Topic - 8000 sq.ft.of hallways
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