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Wanna make some money?

June 3 2008 at 9:51 PM
Joe Gilstrap 

Invent an OP pad to clean deep sculpted berber.

Grant D


June 3 2008, 11:46 PM 

Are you using an OP machine with a brush pad driver? The "all-velcro" types prevent the pads from doing very well with those in my experience. I start with a tuway also, they are a bit thicker and get down there ok. You might already be doing these things, just thought I'd add my .02.

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Pads

June 4 2008, 8:38 AM 

Yep, got a brush type pad driver, Tuways, cotton, and Gladiator. Also would like to get my hands on a set of brushes for a cylindrical machine that have long enough bristles to reach down in those crevices.
The search continues.

Mask Man

Re: Pads

June 5 2008, 4:44 AM 

You know,

I'm actually glad someone mentioned pads cause i've actually been wondering about a question mayby only Rick G can answer.

With my Vento i recieved a driver velcro/brush cause it is best for rick's cotton pads & tuways vs. the hos driver.

So my question is with the orbot driver being screwed on rather than slide on, will you (rick) create a driver for the orbot (velcro/brush)? One that won't eat right through your cotton pads.
One that will be most effective with the tu-ways?

The Mask Man

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Current Topic - Wanna make some money?
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