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Additional question to post below

June 9 2008 at 9:58 PM
Tony Guttieri  

I use a reverse osmosis machine for purer water when cleaning with our truck mount. I also use it to scrub with when mixing Punch and Releasit DS.
On some crapped out carpet, I use grease eraser as a prespray but either way I don't even use a rinsing agent anymore other than plain ole RO water.

We feel it leaves less residue.

Would this leave even less residue?

Richard Brooks

Better than no residue

June 9 2008, 10:48 PM 

Encapsulation residue is better than leaving "no" residue in that it encapsulates microscopic soiling that we can not see. Properly formulated products cannot leave a dirt attracting residue of it's own and can be very helpful in removing existing residues from previous cleanings or that greasy residue from the piece of chicken that was dropped on the carpet. You cannot go wrong using Encap-Punch as your rinse. It goes one step beyond the average cleaning.

To truly understand the concept of encapsulation technology spend a while reading the vast wealth of information that has been posted in this forum. Take some time and think about it and it will all make sense.

Richard Brooks
Hit The Spot
Exceeding Client Expectations


Del Scrivner

Re: Additional question to post below

June 9 2008, 10:50 PM 

I personally would say no, it will leave a residue.  BUT it is a residue that is non soil attracting, non-sticky, and vacuums out.

In your situation I would run Punch as a pre-spray and RO rinse then- personally.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - Additional question to post below
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS