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so then punch needs to be

June 10 2008 at 11:02 AM

So then punch needs to be agitated / scrubbed before you extract?
That's what I read into it.
It is not your jet fuel soil lifter like Enzall, PreKleen or Dry Slurry

Thank You
Ken Jacobs - Toronto

David Hebert

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 10 2008, 1:13 PM 

I think you read incorrectly.
We use Punch with out scrubbing before extracting with great results on light to moderate soiling.

Here is the rub in most cases we do scrub before extracting no matter what we use, frankly why wouldn't we it makes cleaning quicker and the job comes out better.

YES even when I have a TM I do the same thing, for such little investment in time the rewards exceed the time put in



Re: so then punch needs to be

June 10 2008, 1:27 PM 

I agree with the scrub and extract method but I have customers who clean 8 houses a day. They have no time for anything like scrub, upsell or protector

Thank You
Ken Jacobs - Toronto

David Hebert

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 10 2008, 1:45 PM 

well when you splash and dash I can see that being a problem.
Most of those companies around here use a high PH cleaner
they don't prespray and just run chemical off the wand.

No time for Up sell or protector means lots of lost money that has the highest profit margin. Curious what happens when they encounter filtration soiling or urine damage

Mask Man

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 10 2008, 2:03 PM 

I have to honestly say that when i pre-sprayed Punch onto the traffic area the customer would ask what is that. I tell them this is pre spray. They would mention that they can see the color of the soiled area changing already.

It was true cause i saw it too. And i merely just sprayed it on. Then after dwell time it changed even more. Then after agitating it, superb results.

I like to look at it this way, I'm there to clean the carpet to remove soil and residues out. If i have the means to do it why go any other route that will leave unwanted residues? Punch may not be the jet fuel, but across the board I think Punch is a great choice for pre spray, bonnet and rinse.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Del Scrivner

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 10 2008, 4:15 PM 

What David said.

Personally if they cannot upsell and cannot pre-scrub they are using the wrong business model and degrading the publics opinion of the value of a high quality carpet cleaning by doing that.  But hey if they don't value themselves highly nobody else will either.

You don't see doctors out there undercutting other doctors. 

Plastic surgeons don't run a breast augmentation with free bowtox special and then give you 40% off and rush you in and out with crooked breasts.  No they all do quality work (or try to) and charge accordingly.

If you need brain surgery you don't price shop.  AND even if there was a brain surgeon that ran a "Free Transplant" special you would run like hell before letting him crack your head, or a loved ones head open.

Now some people would say this is apples and oranges and they would be right EXCEPT they are missing the point that business/work is irrelevant it is the business philosophy that is relevant.

But hey it's just carpet cleaning, it ain't worth nothing- who cares- RIGHT?

I now relinquish my soap box.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

This message has been edited by CowboysCarpetCare on Jun 10, 2008 4:17 PM


Re: so then punch needs to be

June 10 2008, 5:39 PM 

These guys who do 6-8 houses a day are not new to the business. I'm not sure how good they clean but I do know profits are high and business is good in terms of cash flow

This message has been edited by dot_ca on Jun 10, 2008 6:22 PM

Thomas Owens

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 10 2008, 7:29 PM 

There's McDonalds and then there's Outback Steakhouse. Where will you go to get your food? Who makes money? Who gets more customers? Where will you go if you cared about quality?

Customers who have a brain (and money) will realize that there are McDonald's carpet cleaners and then there are Outback Steakhouse carpet cleaners. Some customers are fine with "fast-food" carpet cleaning, while other's will never eat a Big Mac again.

In some ways, those guys who do a so-so fast job make it easier for a quality cleaner to stand out.

David Hebert

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 11 2008, 1:14 PM 

WOW guys
let not go wild here. Those guys who do 8 houses a day may do a good job and be profitable due to the way their business model is set up. Many different ways to run a business.

My point was that by up selling say adding a sofa or a chair, by adding protector to the job they could very well know off one or two houses a day and still make the same amount of money.

One last point, many who do 8 homes a day are subs for a larger business whose job it is to just market book jobs and hand them to the subs. In these cases add on sales are not that much more profitable and could cost them rather then add to the bottom line



Re: so then punch needs to be

June 11 2008, 4:19 PM 

The do them all in the same Zip code / postal code

Thank You
Ken Jacobs - Toronto

Thomas Owens

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 11 2008, 4:40 PM 


Actually, I was saying exactly what you were saying. Different business models and different philosophies, both providing a service for a portion of the market.

I don't think anyone can say McDonald's doesn't know what it's doing, nor can they say that they aren't profitable. Their food will also make you full, and tastes fine as well.

But I was simply saying that there is a market for those who want more. They are not satisfied with OK. The smaller companies are set up to have the ability to provide a higher quality service. I don't think that that can be denied. Not saying it always happens, but they can if they choose to.

By the way, I do eat at McDonald's more often than Outback Steakhouse, so if I wasn't a carpet cleaner, I'd probably pay for a lower priced, decent job.

David Hebert

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 12 2008, 9:59 AM 


I would hope anyone would book all jobs for a day in one zip code. Smart scheduling is very important. We use a routing program to give us the best route for the day.

so are they subs running portables Ken?


Re: so then punch needs to be

June 12 2008, 3:25 PM 

no sir
2 man Truck mount teams.
If one guy is talking to the home owner the other guy is spraying or cleaning

Also they work long hours, 12 hour days.

Thank You
Ken Jacobs - Toronto

David Hebert

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 13 2008, 11:14 AM 

Thanks for the info Ken

Your last post puts things into perspective

two man team duel wanding putting in 12 hours should be able to do 8 homes a day with ease.

I have a friend whose business model is like that, two man crew mostly duel wanding or one moving furniture other cleaning. They also run the coupon deals.

They are very efficient and move along quickly
My guess is most of us work 12 hour or more days

Thomas Owens

Re: so then punch needs to be

June 13 2008, 8:40 PM 

Wow, 12 hours a day of work? That's rough. But I guess that's also the only way to make ends meet often times.

I wonder how much those guys get paid. Hope it's pretty good.

Current Topic - so then punch needs to be
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