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barefoot day after cleaning?

June 14 2008 at 2:20 PM

ever walk barefoot the day after encap and before vac?
I just did.
Actually the Cimex is broken so I had to prespray the DS then Cimex it then I HWE. These are some nasty mats.

So today I happen to walk on the mat barefoot as I was vacuuming. It was crunchy LOL then after I vac....nice and soft

Ken J

Thank You
Ken Jacobs - Toronto

John Middleton

Re: barefoot day after cleaning?

June 14 2008, 11:21 PM 

Yes I have ken, and that is one of the main reasons why I won't encap in peoples homes.

I see you HWE'd it after so I can't say I've had that happen but striaght encap with either the Cimex or Brute and it's crunchy underfoot.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Re: barefoot day after cleaning?

June 15 2008, 4:21 PM 

HMMMM. I rarely encap residential but I did an empty for a friend last week. It was really clean so I felt comfortable encapping it. Went back later to measure and I was impressed at how soft it was. Not crunchy at all. What did I do wrong?

This message has been edited by DionR on Jun 15, 2008 4:21 PM



Crunchy "Dion"

June 16 2008, 12:37 AM 

Carpet not Crunchy? You didn't do anything wrong. I've never had crunchy carpets after encap. Plus HWE with encap eliminates the whole encap procedure.


eliminates the whole encap procedure.

June 16 2008, 10:03 AM 

(1) There is always residue left on the carpet even after HWE, so you're not extracting 100% of the Encapsulating solution.

(2) PUNCH is an encap product used with HWE so in that case you're not eliminating the whole encap procedure.


Thank You
Ken Jacobs - Toronto

Current Topic - barefoot day after cleaning?
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