How many of you have just about eliminated HWE for maintenance accounts?June 19 2008 at 4:09 AM | Thomas Owens |
| The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm noticing a trend in the residential high rises here. There is never any water on every floor. I have a steamin demon, but may never get to use it at this rate.
The idea of using my portable on every single hallway is just not a good thought. Of course, I will hire people eventually, so I wouldn't be doing it, but still seems very inefficient.
What have you guys done to not have to bust out the porty in these situations? Just cimex period? OP? Combination of the two? Cimex with tuways after fiber plus pads?
I thought I wouldn't be using my portable much anymore. Hope I don't. Not on huge jobs.
Author | Reply |
| Re: How many of you have just about eliminated HWE for maintenance accounts? | June 19 2008, 5:24 AM |
I use my Cimex (fibre plus or max pads)or OP on all commercial jobs with much success. I also have been using OP with green cleaners with much success for residential. |
| Re: How many of you have just about eliminated HWE for maintenance accounts? | June 19 2008, 1:14 PM |
Cimex period for 4 years. |
Joel Riggs
| Re: How many of you have just about eliminated HWE for maintenance accounts? | June 20 2008, 3:07 AM |
Thomas Owens
| Re: How many of you have just about eliminated HWE for maintenance accounts? | June 20 2008, 5:47 AM |
The thing I don't get is when can you tell you need to hwe an account. I know if you are doing a place for the first time, and it's been neglected for a while, that's one thing. But if you have been encapping a place on a regular basis, can you actually tell if the soil load is creeping up? Or is it more just the thought that you are supposed to hwe every so often?
Del Scrivner
| Thomas | June 20 2008, 4:58 PM |
Thomas Owens
Thanks Del. I actually bought one of those already from reading some previous posts. So it is only if the backing is getting dirty? The carpet will always look great I would imagine when using Cimex plus Releasit. Has that actually happened to anyone when you've maintained a carpet with encap? |
Del Scrivner
| Re: Del | June 21 2008, 8:28 PM |
The key is the REGULAR vacuuming follow up to keep soil load down.
Make you own luck,
Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care |
Thomas Owens
| Re: Del | June 23 2008, 5:13 AM |
Current Topic - How many of you have just about eliminated HWE for maintenance accounts? |