| For those who already owned a cimex, why did you buy an OP machine?June 21 2008 at 3:41 AM |
Thomas Owens
| I presently own a Cimex, CRB, Steamin Demon, portable extractor, and various vacuums.
The main item I have not added yet is an OP machine. I am really starting to get the feeling that since I am going to be focusing on vlm for commercial carpet, that an OP machine would be a very valuable edition.
I am looking at it as a compliment to the Cimex or even hwe, and not a stand alone cleaner, though I know it could be.
When I say compliment, I'm thinking of using it to finish off jobs, when needed. Say if I Cimex first, I would use the OP to remove some soil, or to dry the carpets faster (can you run dry pads/bonnets on the OP machine to dry carpets faster?). Could you call that combination restorative cleaning?
Or when I need to hwe, once again, I would follow it up Op. Would getting a rotary accomplish this same task?
Is this a good strategy or would using an OP unit in this way be unnecessary?
Also, do OP units really wear you out, as in constant vibrations (maybe not the ORBOT?)?
Why have you added op to your arsenal, even though you already owned a Cimex?
Thank you.
This message has been edited by johnsmith808 on Jun 21, 2008 3:56 AM
| Author | Reply |
| Re: For those who already owned a cimex, why did you buy an OP machine? | June 21 2008, 5:22 AM |
I have a Cimex and OP (Hos,Vento same unit) I got into OP mainly for residential and also part of my Green Cleaning program using low moisture. I am more than satisfied 95% of my cleanings are now OP. Doesn't wear you out in answer to your question, yes to combining with other HWE,Cimex sometimes multiple systems will give you the most optinal results.
I really like Glad Pads they wear well, launder well, and I am able to use most of the time without glides. So far all the surfactants are interchangable with Cimex as well as many can be used in HWE so purchasing a bunch of individual chems. is not required. |
| Re: For those who already owned a cimex, why did you buy an OP machine? | June 21 2008, 8:10 AM |
When I purchased an Op unit,it was with the intent to replace my really heavy rotary unit,with cleaning methodology aside.I use the op in conjunction with HWE as a pre & post pad unit(to pick up more soil,more moisture and to leave carpets dryer.It is used a stand alone(soil load and carpet location determines this) for my clients whether or not they're 6 month follow ups or new.
It has been used a secondary encap unit with the use of a fiberplus pad.also is the main unit for a few smaller jobs...for instance,I have a small chiropractor's office that is ideal for my op and not the cimex due to tight confines of this particular office and all of the needed "bone cracking" equipment.I just change between fiberplus pads and cotton pads.
Do I still have my rotary,yes.They're all tools.
Patrick |
| Re: For those who already owned a cimex, why did you buy an OP machine? | June 21 2008, 2:07 PM |
cause i didnt find the 'Mex cleaned resi cut pile carpet to my liking.
thanx --- Derek. |
|  Joe DeSouza
| Re: For those who already owned a cimex, why did you buy an OP machine? | June 21 2008, 10:17 PM |
I agree with Derek - OP cleans better than the cimex with resi cut pile...I found that the "Ultimate Clean" for trashed carpets is to use the cimex to work in the prespray, then use the truckmount to hot water extract, then, if necessary, use an OP to go over it, in particular the traffic lanes - UNREAL! BUT it takes some time, and unfortunately the type of customer that has trashed carpets are also the ones that don't want to pay for you to put so much time into it. Once in a while, I will take the extra time and do the above process if I'm making decent $$ on the job, or if I want to impress the customer (for whatever reason, maybe she has some good referrals waiting for me, etc.) or, if it's the last job of the day, and i'm looking for a challenge! My OP (a low boy) is invaluable! I carry it every day in my truck, and use it almost daily, esp. after cleaning berber carpet - I follow up the HWE with the low boy and Rick's tuway pads - carpet looks great, and dries a lot faster, too...
Joe |
|  Joe DeSouza
| Re: For those who already owned a cimex, why did you buy an OP machine? | June 21 2008, 10:18 PM |
I agree with Derek - OP cleans better than the cimex with resi cut pile...I found that the "Ultimate Clean" for trashed carpets is to use the cimex to work in the prespray, then use the truckmount to hot water extract, then, if necessary, use an OP to go over it, in particular the traffic lanes - UNREAL! BUT it takes some time, and unfortunately the type of customer that has trashed carpets are also the ones that don't want to pay for you to put so much time into it. Once in a while, I will take the extra time and do the above process if I'm making decent $$ on the job, or if I want to impress the customer (for whatever reason, maybe she has some good referrals waiting for me, etc.) or, if it's the last job of the day, and i'm looking for a challenge! My OP (a low boy) is invaluable! I carry it every day in my truck, and use it almost daily, esp. after cleaning berber carpet - I follow up the HWE with the low boy and Rick's tuway pads - carpet looks great, and dries a lot faster, too...
Joe |
|  Joe DeSouza
| Re: For those who already owned a cimex, why did you buy an OP machine? | June 21 2008, 10:18 PM |
I agree with Derek - OP cleans better than the cimex with resi cut pile...I found that the "Ultimate Clean" for trashed carpets is to use the cimex to work in the prespray, then use the truckmount to hot water extract, then, if necessary, use an OP to go over it, in particular the traffic lanes - UNREAL! BUT it takes some time, and unfortunately the type of customer that has trashed carpets are also the ones that don't want to pay for you to put so much time into it. Once in a while, I will take the extra time and do the above process if I'm making decent $$ on the job, or if I want to impress the customer (for whatever reason, maybe she has some good referrals waiting for me, etc.) or, if it's the last job of the day, and i'm looking for a challenge! My OP (a low boy) is invaluable! I carry it every day in my truck, and use it almost daily, esp. after cleaning berber carpet - I follow up the HWE with the low boy and Rick's tuway pads - carpet looks great, and dries a lot faster, too...
Joe |
Joe DeSouza
| woah... | June 21 2008, 10:19 PM |
I must be stuttering! LOL |
Thomas Owens
| Re: woah... | June 22 2008, 4:43 AM |
Either that or you have very fast fingers!
Sounds like you all really love your OP units, especially for residential cut pile.
However, I will be doing 100% commercial. How often do you use your OP units on commercial, even though you have a Cimex? Has it been a great compliment to the Cimex?
If you answered this question already, I apologize. I understood the comments as the benefits on cut pile residential.
EDIT: A thought just popped into my head. Say you Cimex with releasit, then post pad with OP to remove soil and mosture. It's good that you're taking off soil, but wouldn't it also be bad because you are taking off the soileze as well? Since releasit leaves a positive residue, don't you want to leave it in?
Sorry I'm asking so many lame questions. I just don't want to spend 2k on something that I really don't need for what I'm planning on doing.
This message has been edited by johnsmith808 on Jun 22, 2008 5:00 AM
| Re: woah... | June 22 2008, 6:48 AM |
What you could do in that situation is to:
Drop product/agitate with cimex.
Pad with OP to provide soil transfer extraction.
Cimex again,but this time,shower feed lightly...either by trigger manipulation or just open the valve halfway.
That should work if your concerned about removing soileaz.
The above mentioned RX has worked for me when I've had some stubborn entrance or cross traffic areas. |
| Re: woah... | June 22 2008, 7:19 AM |
If you cimex then follow with OP you will still have some Releasit left in the carpet. |
| Alex
| Re: woah... | June 22 2008, 12:29 PM |
What Jeff said.
OP has been a compliment to my Cimex. I sometimes can't get into small areas with Cimex, i use Vento. I have smaller commercial jobs to do that are not that trashed, i use Vento.
I,m certainly interested in obtaining "man's new best friend". With it, you can Cimex, then OP/bonnet, by shower feed, and just slap on the fp plus max pad leaving DS behind for encapsulation. Simply drain left over cimex juice into the removable OP solution tank and shower feed it as your last step. Or just have one pre mixed already set aside for that.
OP is great T.O. Its Versitile, padcap, bonnet, traffic lane, and now its even more so with "Man's new best friend".
Your Servant Alex
Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!
This message has been edited by theservant on Jun 22, 2008 6:41 PM
| Thomas Owens
| Re: woah... | June 23 2008, 5:04 AM |
I appreciate the comments guys. I will be seriously considering getting "man's new best friend", as I imagine the ORBOT has been referred to.
When you use OP as a finishing step, isn't it very quick? I would think that since everything is loosened up already, the OP would make quick work of what's left.
It's funny that you call me T.O. Some guys I know call me that as well. Too bad T.O. is such a head case, though.
Did you say shower feed with the Orbot, or was that with you Vento?
This message has been edited by johnsmith808 on Jun 23, 2008 5:23 AM This message has been edited by johnsmith808 on Jun 23, 2008 5:15 AM
| Alex
| Re: woah... | June 23 2008, 8:03 PM |
The Orbot is the one that feeeds through the solution tank. Its seems so much easier. As of now i have to stop spray with my ortho sprayer then start back with the Vento.
The fact is, that you can encap with the Op and come behind with bonnet and acheive the same results as Cimex. It just takes two steps thats the only difference. But with the Orbot that two steps is more productive and less fatiquing.
Your Servant Alex
Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry! |
| The thing I don't get about OP?
| Re: woah... | June 24 2008, 1:13 AM |
The one thing that confuses me about OP is when using it as a standalone method, isn't the absorbent pad sucking up the juice from the ground before you can scrub with it much?
With the fiber plus pads, since they aren't super absorbent, the chemical has a lot of chance to be scrubbed.
I have no experience with an OP unit, so my worries are probably just paranoia.
Anyone found this to be the case, or do you use the same 300 sq ft per gallon ratio as with the Cimex. |
| Current Topic - For those who already owned a cimex, why did you buy an OP machine? |
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