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What's the best way to aquire large commercial account

June 24 2008 at 12:06 AM

I have been cleaning mostly residential for 10 years, bought my business 1 and 1/2 years ago and I am a refferal based company. I've called almost every property manager in town, they all have a cleaner they're happy with, I've tried knocking on doors and can't get back the receptionist.

Business is slow and I have more idea's than money, I just bought a Cimex and I have a DynaChem truckmount with an upgraded heat exchanger. Any Ideas?

Thomas Owens

Re: What's the best way to aquire large commercial account

June 24 2008, 4:39 PM 

First of all, I am not too far along in my marketing efforts, but I have learned/ been taught a few things already.

First thing is do you have Rick's Releasit CMS? Without that, I wouldn't know where I would start.

Second, the phone calls you are making should be just to contact someone, and not really trying to sell them. During that initial call, you would want get the name of the guy who makes the decisions and to send some literature for him to look at.

Third, are you simply saying that you clean carpet, or are you saying that you can solve the 2 biggest problems in maintaining CGD? Most of these people don't know what they are missing, but if you mention problems, they might start looking for them, or noticing those problems (recurring spills, rapid re-soiling, over wetting). You could mention that you'd be more than happy to do a demo on such an area. I was also thinking that I might visit some of these facilities and walk around. I can almost guarantee that you will find the problems mentioned. Then you can bring those to their attention.

Fourth, your goal should be to set up an appointment to meet them in person. Work with their schedule to see when they would have 15 minutes to show them why your service is superior at problem solving than with others.

Fifth, and most important is to be consistent. This is an ongoing process. I'm just starting out, but I know the more you see these same people, the more likely that eventually, they will cave in and give you a shot. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and so does the squeaky carpet cleaner.

Phil R

Re: What's the best way to aquire large commercial account

June 25 2008, 12:57 PM 

The VLm system of carpet cleaning out performs other on SOME occasions. Namely, wicking and rapid re-soiling of carpets. However, trained tecks using TM can also solve those issues. But until then, using encap prodcuts with pad driven cleaning systems r-o-c-k.

Rather than trying to compete on any other very aware that using this low moisture system will solve those problems.

hence, The CMS system is crucial for marketing. Get it, follow it, do what it says do and watch as your results change almost over night.

Having some experience now with CC'ing and selling it...I see how this system does have certain advantages over extraction. I also am very much aware of it's weaknesses. and there are plenty.....but noe so great as having both types of cleaning cannot solve short term and long term.

The only thing you are missing right the CMS system. It is worth every penny. Period. End of story. Case closed.

Current Topic - What's the best way to aquire large commercial account
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS