| OP with ReleaseitJune 26 2008 at 5:38 AM |
| Tried Oping with DS yesterday on 2 apartments one not so bad the other much worse. Gotta give DS THUMBS UP. Did a great job. Trying to eliminate all the extra chems I have with Dow Chemical rasing prices I'm sure it will effect the pricing. So the naswer is stock less keep it simple. |
| Author | Reply |
| Op,,,,,,Price | June 26 2008, 7:30 AM |
So if Dow is going to raise prices and make other chemicals go up, are prices here going to stay the same for awhile? |
| Don Eldred
| Re: Op,,,,,,Price | June 26 2008, 8:53 AM |
The concern with Dow raising prices goes way beyond the price of your cleaning detergents [which is very small in the big picture] almost everything we buy or use in our everyday life will be effected. Cost of living will go up, less disposable money for other things in life. |
| Rick Gelinas
| OIL and the economy! | June 26 2008, 3:04 PM |
Oil and the dollar! Dow is just responding to the realities of what's happening on the world scene.
Many of the raw ingredients in cleaning chemicals contain petroleum derivatives. FiberPlus pads, nylon brushes, etc, also contain petroleum derivatives. The plastic jugs that chemicals come in are made from petroleum too. And EVERYTHING regardless of what it's made from has to be transported. So prices on ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in our society will increase since oil prices are going through the ceiling. Everything from groceries to cleaning chems is being affected.
Oil prices have more than doubled in the past few years. The value of the dollar compared to most foreign currencies is half of what it was a just couple of years ago. A large portion of the manufacturing and services has been outsourced to other countries. The mortgage/banking/housing industry is in the toilet. Unemployment is at record levels. All of these factors bear a direct impact on the health of the economy.
At Excellent Supply we have already absorbed some of the cost increases from our vendors and we're doing our best to keep our prices as low as possible. We'll continue to slug it out just like everyone else is doing.
There is a silver lining in all this. At least ENCAP is the most cost effective and most profitable cleaning method available. And Releasit still costs just .003 per sq ft to clean with
Rick Gelinas
This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 26, 2008 3:05 PM
| David Hebert
| Re: OIL and the economy! | June 26 2008, 3:42 PM |
Unemployment is at about 5.5 %
I know lots of business looking for help and cannot find it.
The heath care sector has a huge shortage. I know this because my wife is a nurse, not working and always gets calls to work for some company. I worked as a ER tech Medical assistant, a OR tech and still retain my paramedic license.
I also get solicitations all the time. Since logic would indicate I am no one special in this field others must get the same.
A lot of our so called oil crises has to do with the US out sourcing all our jobs and now other countries are importing the oil we would use and need to make products. Our politicians playing games with our country being able to drill in our country but allowing other countries to dill off shore, not allowing new modern refineries to be built along with a host of other self serving interest to the politicians GRAFT.
It is amazing that we have the largest untaped oil deposits in the world in our country but cannot drill for it.
There are good sides to it.
Hydrogen cars are almost off the assembly lines along with other fuel source cars
Joel Riggs
| Re: OIL and the economy! | June 26 2008, 5:04 PM |
If chemical prices are going up then isnt this when you should be stocking UP on chemicals, While they are cheap, not minimizing stock. |
| Re: OIL and the economy! | June 26 2008, 5:09 PM |
Stocking up is a quick solution, streamling your stock will cut back on future shipping cost and increased cost of addtional chems and there cost, allowing me to control expenses better. Free shipping is something that is fixed in with cost |
Don Eldred
| Re: OIL and the economy! | June 26 2008, 6:38 PM |
It is such a small percentage of your overall costs, just find the products that make your job easier and faster and the additional costs are nothing to worry about. |
Del Scrivner
| Re: OIL and the economy! | June 26 2008, 7:05 PM |
You can thank Nixon for devaluing the dollar in 1971.
Make you own luck,
Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care |
Rick Gelinas
| Re: OIL and the economy! | June 29 2008, 10:36 AM |
Del Scrivner
| Re: OIL and the economy! | June 29 2008, 12:54 PM |
Maybe we should spray all our dollar bills with Soileze Rick?????
Make you own luck,
Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care |
Thomas Owens
| Re: OIL and the economy! | June 29 2008, 9:22 PM |
I really think that the cost of chemicals should be one of our least concerns. It is a very small part of our expenses, and will continue to be so.
And in the case of Releasit products, the return on investment is so high, it really is a no brainer. I know Rick said the same thing, but I just wanted to echo those thoughts.
Without a great encapsulating product, I would not have much of a marketing plan. With it, it really has opened the eyes of many people I am dealing with.
I already pay quite a bit more than most to ship Releasit products over the Pacific Ocean to this rock. Yet, it is worth every penny now, and will continue to be even when shipped costs increase.
So guys, if you are stressing over chem costs, I suggest you worry about one of the other 1,000,000 things we could be worrying about instead. |
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