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June 28 2008 at 2:51 AM

Is punch soap free?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Punch

June 28 2008, 7:46 AM 

Define "soap". Soap as in a concoction of lye? Of course it doesn't contain soap in that sense. Nor do any other carpet cleaning products on the market that I'm aware of. The "soap free" marketing hype is just that- "hype".

Now does it contain detergent's and solvents? Yes indeed it does! Encap-Punch is built on a pre-spray architecture. It contains a unique formulation of solvents, detergents, builders, etc, that make it effective in a pre-spray - traffic lane cleaner. It is also matched with our Crystalon3 polymer. This product actually contains a lot of polymer! It takes a lot of polymer to get a "pre-spray" to actually crystallize.

The beauty of a product like Encap-Punch is that it crystallizes so well and yet it cleans terrific too. This makes it possible to have an HWE detergent that can't leave behind a villainous residue. Everything on the detergent side of the table is perfectly matched with a crystallizing polymer on the other side of the table. There is no way we can leave anything in the carpet that can attract soil. In fact it will RESIST re-soiling. Plus it also includes built-in Soileze protector that further amplifies its ability to resist soil. Resisting resoiling is what makes Encap-Punch so unique.

Another HUGE benefit of cleaning with Encap-Punch is that you're actually cleaning with 2 methods of cleaning at the same time. First your accomplishing cleaning via extraction. And secondly you're accomplishing cleaning via encapsulation. Two for one Plus on a side point, Encap-Punch is also CRI approved.

I hope that addresses your question.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Punch
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