The age old debate about "where does the dirt go?" has once again been lodged over on the ICS message board. I replied to the question over there. And I thought some of you here may be interested too...
Encap 101
Posted By Rick Gelinas on 6/28/2008 at 6:59 AM
Ah the old question - "where does the dirt go"? I loved Bob Wittkamp's answer "it turns into money"

But a little more detail than that will be helpful. So here once again is a description of what actually occurs with a program of good encap cleaning...
Firstly - all encap products are NOT created equal! MANY of the products that are being sold today do not crystallize at all. Others may crystallize, but not very well. If you don't have a good polymer in the mix - you won't have a vehicle to capture soil and you won't have a way to get the soil out of the carpet during the post-vacuuming process. It's kind of surprising to see how many products currently claim to be an encapsulant, yet fail to provide an adequate polymeric base.
Now, assuming that you're cleaning with an encap detergent with a good polymer, we still can't expect to recover a high quantity of soil with a single vacuuming. The polymer (providing that we have a product that contains good polymer) is surrounding the fiber. One single solitary vacuuming is not going to recover all of it.
However during the routine course of normal vacuuming, the polymer/soil content will continue to be extracted from the fiber. Normal foot traffic will also assist the polymer to fracture away from the fiber. The quantity of soil and polymer will continue to be recovered over the next several vacuumings.
The polymer that our product contains will also re-dissolve when it becomes wet again. It will dissolve back into a liquid state. And after it dries again it will crystallize all over again. In other words, there's NO WAY that a polymer build up can occur. Quite the contrary in fact, the more the carpet is cleaned via encap, the more easy it will be to maintain.
Now is encap the only tool in the toolbox? I certainly hope not! Encap is simply anther way to maintain carpet. HWE will always be the most effective way to remove the highest quantity of soil in a single shot. There are times when that is important. And there are other times when effective soil management can be achieved very nicely with "good" ecnap. A good program of encap with a true crystallizing product can keep commercial glue down carpets looking better for a longer period of time. Encap can also completely eliminate the wicking and recurring spills that frequently occur with CGD carpet.
Keep in mind that all these "methods" are simply tools. As a professional, you should recognize how and when to use the tools at you disposal. A professional home builder doesn't plan to build a house with just a hammer. Encap is just one of the tools in the professional cleaner's arsenal. Good encap can be a mighty big hammer!!! Yet there are other tools too. HWE is a also a powerful tool that's important to have at your disposal. Tools are good

Rick Gelinas