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iCapsol keeps breaking..

July 3 2008 at 9:48 AM

I have been using my iCapsol machine for both encapping and scrubbing in my prespray for HWE. It works pretty good, but both the handle broke and now the part holding the front roller is busted. should I fix it or are there better replacement out there?????

bob huddleston

Re: iCapsol keeps breaking..

July 3 2008, 10:49 AM 

Our handle broke as well (looks like old pot metal), and I think it is a warranty issue. The little metal clippie thingie is also broken on ours, but it doesn't seem to affect its performance, so I haven't worried about it yet. It's a good machine, but the workmanship on it is definitely sub-standard. At least you aren't breaking belts every 2 weeks like our first one did.

Take care,

Bob Huddleston


Rick Gelinas

Re: iCapsol keeps breaking..

July 3 2008, 3:29 PM 

We've seen that ALL cylindrical scrubbers are a little bit more prone to breakage than a Cimex, an OP, or a Rotary. Of course not much can compare to the ruggedness of a Cimex (they're built like a tank).

The cylindrical machines, by their design, have more potential for things to break. The biggest area where things break relates to transporting them. They can take a pounding in the back of a van. They're lightweight and they can bounce around.

As a rule, the iCapsols haven't seen an exceedingly high number of problems. But they have had some problems. I can't stress strongly enough to be extra gentle with ANY cylindrical machine.

We've sold 4 different cylindrical machines. We used to sell the X2 made for us by Clark Lancaster- these were a complete failure. We also sell the Sprint, it's done pretty well- but they occasionally have problems. We sell iCapsol machines, and they sometimes have problems. And we've now brought the Brush & Clean (like the GLS) back in, it's a fairly sturdy unit - but they sometimes break too.

Bottom line: Cylindrical machines are not as stout as a Cimex, OP, or Rotary. So keep that in mind when you work with them. They can serve you well if you treat them with care. They're great to work with, but you'll also want to factor in their slightly lower reliability. I'm not talking night and day here, but keep in mind that they have their limitations.

Rick Gelinas

Joe M

Brush & Clean

July 3 2008, 6:52 PM 

I have had two from you Rick, the sprint and the Brush & Clean.

By far the B&C is the best built machine out of the two. Sprint was also very well built. But out of the two its the B&C if and when I get another.


iCapsol = YUGO

July 3 2008, 7:46 PM 

I'm on my 3rd iCrapsol in under 1 year. The sprayer keeps spraying odd patterns (nothing blocking, tried cleaning - it's only a few weeks old), the machine itself bounces rather than glides over carpet, and the 3rd one just shut off today for what appears to be no reason. The second one got sent back due to the fact that touching any metal object (like transition, metal door jam, inground metal plug cover) would cause fireworks, and circuits to trip. It also bounced and sprayed weird patterns - "No, Mr. Facilities Manager, I did not mean to spray your baseboard"

I used to have a GLS, which was not perfect, but nowhere near as bad as this machine.


Rick Gelinas

Re: iCapsol = YUGO

July 3 2008, 11:29 PM 

I'm sorry you're not happy with the machine Bob. We always want to please all our customers. We bend over backward to make sure that happens! And it really bugs me when I hear that someone isn't happy. I appreciate your feedback! I will pass your comments along to the folks at Windsor.

Rick Gelinas


Did not get it from you

July 4 2008, 11:10 AM 

This last one was a direct from Windsor thru my contact at the main office (I'm a franchisee)

However, I would appreciated any help with getting feedback to Windsor...


Odd spray patters

July 6 2008, 1:36 PM 

Aside from collecting too much fuzzies ( I have to carry a dustbuster and bag while I use it on Plush) the only other problem Ive had was the sprayer would NOT spray straight at ALL. So my main use for the machine is a "Post Vac" evens out the fibers really well, looks great.

One other problem: the button for the solution spray on the right side would stick, had to unplug the machine to stop it. Turns out the handle casing was too tight. When I loosened it just a little, no more sticking!

Current Topic - iCapsol keeps breaking..
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